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**************************************** From Eliyahu: Shalom friends,
The Biblical Hebrew year is composed of lunar months and begins in the spring. The days start at sundown, running from sundown to sundown. Passover is one of YHWH's appointment days, to be observed on the evening of the 14th day of the first month of the year - tonight of this year. Probably most people know it as the night that YHWH struck the firstborn of the Egyptians to set His people, the Israelites, free from slavery in Egypt. To many people that makes Passover a "Jewish thing" that does not apply to them. They couldn't be more mistaken. Yeshua ("Jesus") and the Apostles celebrated Passover, and all of YHWH's appointed days. They were all of Israel and were duty-bound to keep all the commands of the Torah of Moses, including observance of Passover and all of the days that were appointed by YHWH. Matthew reports on the Lord's last Passover on this earth:
As they ate the Passover that night a number of important things happened, including the sending away of Judas, the betrayer. After that, what we call the "Lord's Supper" was instituted. Here is how it happened:
Notice that while "they were eating" the Passover Yeshua took elements from the Passover meal of wine and unleavened bread and used them in instituting what we call the "Lord's Supper" - which was actually part of the Passover meal. Further, by including this in our Passover each year we are claiming our place in the "new covenant" which was put into effect by the shed blood of Messiah, poured out the next day, still on Passover. This makes Yeshua our true Passover Lamb. This "new covenant" was not made with some new entity sometime referred to as the "Christian Church." Actually, this was a fulfillment of the prophecy of Jeremiah, who quoted YHWH as saying;
Notice that the "new covenant" is with the two houses of Israel. This is the only "new covenant" of Scripture, and it is not made with some Gentile group known as "The Church." Actually, the Gentile Church is a schism that broke off from the original Hebraic Messianic believers in the second century. They rebelled against all things "Jewish" - which is why Passover was stripped away while "communion" and "Easter" were adopted instead. This was not the practice of the early believers. Notice these words of Paul:
This war against Passover began soon after the schism of the Gentiles, in the second century. By then the Gentiles were far greater in number than Hebraic believers, so 'had the votes' to change things their way. Spearheaded by Rome, they made a big offensive against observance of Passover. Those believers who continued to celebrate the Passover on the 14th of Nisan were labeled Quartodecimani (Latin for “fourteenthers”) because of holding their celebration on the Biblical fourteenth day of Nisan. Rome eventually succeeded in getting rid of Passover altogether, and replaced it with "Easter Sunday" and "communion" after the pattern of pagan customs already well known in the empire. [Eusebius, Historia ecclesiastica, 5.23]
"Transubstantiation" is the name of the ancient doctrine borrowed from Dionysus worship still claimed by the Catholic Church today, stating that the body and blood of the god is actually changed like magic by the priests into his actual body and blood, which is then consumed by the worshippers. Protestants dropped this doctrine, but kept the "communion" of which it was a part, forgetting Passover altogether. All of this is why, like the sister mentioned above, many Christians today have no idea that Passover, including the Lord's Supper with the New Covenant Israel connection, was observed by the early believers, or that it was replaced in the Gentile Church by pagan customs. Today these facts are becoming known to a growing number of truth-seekers who want to return to the true faith of Messiah and the Apostles. That brings us to our celebration of Passover tonight. We invite you, and any person you invite, to our live video stream for Passover at, at 8 pm cst. Tell your friends to register free at to take in a special Passover broadcast tonight. We will begin with a short introduction to explain what we will be doing through the rest of the event. After that we will be enjoying our local Passover while also streaming appropriate music and video from Tsiyon members around the world. This part of the program will allow you to be eating your own Passover meal, while enjoying this special Passover broadcast, if our broadcast works into your Passover plans. At 9:30 we will be presenting comments on Yeshua Our Passover Lamb, and then we will be commemorating the Lord's Supper together. You can join in this with other believers around the world! Just have your unleavened bread and wine ready, so that you can partake of those symbolic items with the rest of us, who wish to commemorate the death of our Messiah and our union with Him and one another in the New Covenant of Israel. Passover greetings to you and yours in the name of Yeshua Messiah! Shalom, Eliyahu **************************************** Have you seen this new video yet? - News Bytes
Here is Emily's latest video, produced just this week! To see all of Emily's NewsBytes videos, and others that are coming out every week, click the Tsiyon graphic below, and please subscribe at YouTube to our channel. Together we can help Emily get these out to the people who need to see them! ****************************************
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