Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 14.21 - 02/14/6019 TAM
- 05/20/19 AD
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“Arise, shine; for your light has
come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you." Isaiah 60:1, 2
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From Eliyahu:
Shalom friends,
is more unchangeable than Scripture, right? Well, right, if you are talking
about the Spirit-inspired words of Scripture. Wrong though, if you are talking
about the order and structure of the books of Scripture, as they are arranged in
your Christian Bible. Wrong also, if you are talking about the Bible divided
into two major sections called the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament."
Those divisions and designations are not to be found in the inspired words of
Scripture, but originated as the result of a Gentile schism
against the pre-eminence of the covenants with Israel that are a central theme
throughout the pages of Scripture.
may object, by saying that the term "New Testament" is to be found on the
lips of Jesus, as quoted in the King James version of the Bible. Here are
those words:
And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with
him. And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat this
passover with you before I suffer: For I say unto you, I will not any
more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. And he
took the cup, and gave thanks, and said, Take this, and divide it among
yourselves: For I say unto you, I will not drink of the fruit of the
vine, until the kingdom of God shall come. And he took bread, and gave
thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which
is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup
after supper, saying,
This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you. Luke 22:14-20 KJV
Yes, those words "New
Testament" are there alright. Historically, "the Church" has claimed these
words as applying to themselves, representing "the Church" as the recipient
of the "New Testament", while seeing Israel as the recipient of the "Old
Testament." The problem with this thinking, of course, is that "the Church"
was not even present when Yeshua/Jesus, Himself an Israelite, met with 12
other Israelites, meeting as Israelites according to the Torah on the
Israelite Holy Day of Passover, to institute this "new testament" with
them! [No, I'm not saying Gentiles cannot enter into this in the
Biblically specified way. I'm simply saying this "new testament" was clearly
not made with a Gentile entity called "the Church."]
the obvious indications here, and much more besides, certain Gentile
apostates (later designated as "Church Fathers") in the 2nd century
misappropriated this "new testament" for their own Gentile group, with the
intention of freeing themselves from the Israelite leadership that had been
appointed by Christ, the Messiah, over His own body of Messianic believers.
This Gentile schism caught on among the much more numerous Gentiles, who
went on to found the heretical "Church." Some may find this to be a shocking
statement. However, remember the words of Yeshua/Jesus "you will know them
by their fruits" (Matt 7:15-20). When you look at the Church over the
centuries you can't deny the bad fruits of paganism, deceptions,
oppressions, ignorance, wars, murders, insurrections and numerous heresies
that characterize the history of the Church. Clearly, while some individual
Christians are virtuous, this monstrosity called "the Church" gives little
or no evidence of originating with Messiah!
Now, let us go on to the origin of
the "Old Testament" and the "New Testament" division of the Scriptures.
The term New Testament is a
translation from the Latin Novum Testamentum first reported by the
second century Christian writer Tertullian. Notice this quote:
Use of the term New Testament to
describe a collection of first and second-century Christian Greek
Scriptures can be traced back to Tertullian (in Against Praxeas).
In Against Marcion, written circa 208 C.E., he writes of
"the Divine Word, who is doubly edged
with the two testaments of the law and the gospel."
Next, we learn the shocking truth that the
terms, "Old Testament" and "New Testament" originated with the known
heretic, Marcion, who taught that the God of the "Old Testament" is not the
God of the "New Testament"! Tertullian continues:
"it is certain that the whole aim at
which he [Marcion] has strenuously laboured, even in the drawing up of
his Antitheses, centres in this, that he may establish a
diversity between the Old and the New Testaments, so that his own Christ
may be separate from the Creator, as belonging to this rival god, and as
alien from the law and the prophets."
the terms "Old Testament" and "New Testament" originated from a heresy!
The Catholic theologian, Jerome, wrote his Latin Vulgate translation between
A.D. 382 and 405, dividing the Scriptures into "Old Testament" and "New
Testament" sections, thus incorporating the heretical division into common
Christian use for virtually all translations of Scripture thereafter. This
is not all. Jerome also reordered the books of Scripture with a “new”
arrangement of the books! This "new" arrangement of books of Scripture is
what you will almost surely find in any popular Catholic or Protestant
Christian scholars, of course, know this. For
example, E.W. Bullinger said:
“Our English Bibles follow the order as
given in the Latin Vulgate. This order, therefore, depends on the
arbitrary judgment of one man, Jerome. All theories based on this order
rest on human authority, and are thus without any true foundation.”
[E.W. Bullinger, The Companion Bible (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan
Bible Publishers, 1974]
Jerome changed the order of
the books of Scripture throughout the Bible. For example, Yeshua named the
order of the Hebrew Scriptures then in use: "And he said unto them, "These
are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all
things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the
Prophets, and in the Psalms, concerning me" (Luke 24:44 KJV). These are the
original divisions of the Hebrew Scriptures named by Yeshua, which are very
different than the Christian arrangement that is much more familiar today.
After Messiah came, more books
of Scripture were written. These were known and used by the early believers,
but those believers never distinguished the Scriptures then written from the
Scriptures previously written. Peter, in 2 Peter 3:16, referred to newly
written Scripture along with previously written Scripture simply as
"Scriptures." Paul, in 2 Timothy
3:16-17 simply referred to the whole of Scripture as "all Scripture." The
apostles saw all Scripture as one continues revelation, not to be divided up
by the whims of man.
The books that Jerome had placed in his "New
Testament" order, were changed from the original order found in virtually
all the early manuscripts. Jerome left Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and
Acts in place, and also left Revelation as the last book of
the Bible. However, the General Epistles originally came before the Pauline
books. The General Epistles are: James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John,
3 John, and Jude. After that the original order included these
books of Paul; Romans, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians,
Philippians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, Hebrews, 1
Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon. Want more proof? The book,
Restoring the Original Bible, by Dr. Ernest Martin, now deceased, offers
extensive documentation proving these changes by Jerome.
Notice that Jerome's order pushed the General
Epistles (written by the Hebrew leaders of the Messianic Assembly) to the back, and
elevated Paul's writings ahead of them! Jerome was a contemporary of
Augustine, who completely redefined Paul as the originator of the Gentile
"Church" - so of course Jerome put Paul first!
All of this smoke and mirrors routine has created confusion that has fooled
many into thinking that the "New Testament" Scriptures are a new covenant
with "the Church." As we have seen, that title did not originate with God,
but is part of a human deception to create the illusion that there is such a
thing as "the Church" in covenant with God through Christ. Historically,
there is no such thing, and no matter what they do, Church theologians
cannot find a covenant anywhere, new or otherwise, made by Christ with "the
That is not to say there is no New Covenant
of which you may be a part. More about that at our live online meeting
Please, join me, for our live video stream at
tsiyon.net, at 8 pm cst, as we consider Luke 22:1-34,
to learn what the New Covenant is really all about.
The successful testing of
a firewall for protecting Iran’s “industrial facilities” against
cyberattack was suddenly revealed by Iran’s Telecommunications Minister
Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi on Thursday, May 16. This post on the
minister’s Instagram page indicated that his government is bracing for
an American cyberattack in response for Tehran’s strikes against Gulf
oil infrastructure this week.
Jahromi cited “Iran’s university scientists” as having developed a
firewall for industrial automation systems to “neutralize industrial
sabotage such as that caused by Stuxnet in power networks, and it has
been successfully tested,” he said.
DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources read these comments in the
context of proliferating reports that cyberattack on Iranian facilities
is one of the optional responses under consideration at White House and
Pentagon consultations, for Iran’s sabotage of oil tankers in UAE waters
and Saudi pumping stations. The Iranian minister’s comments reflected
Tehran’s belief that this option is real.
Jahromi’s words also tie in with the belligerent comment by the new IRGC
commander Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami on Wednesday: “We are on the cusp of
a full-scale confrontation with the enemy,” the Fars news agency
reported. “This moment in history, because the enemy has stepped into
the field of confrontation with us with all the possible capacity, is
the most decisive moment of the Islamic revolution.”
The general did not elaborate on his meaning – or even name the enemy,
but the phrase “all possibly capacity” is now seen as referring to a
possible American cyberattack.
Have you seen News Bytes?
Rose posts a new NewsBytes
segment every week at our
Tsiyon Road Radio YouTube Channel. Emily makes these
thought-provoking videos for everybody, but she especially wants to bring
the same hope she has been blessed with to other young people
through her NewsByte YouTube videos. If she was making videos about cooking,
movies, kittens, or just about anything else, YouTube would be helping her
to get her videos shown. However, since she is addressing topics of
importance from a Biblical perspective, and she is not supporting the
popular agenda, her video views are being suppressed on the platform. Pretty
much all publishers classed as "conservatives" are experiencing this
suppression throughout social media, including on YouTube - and this is also
happening to Tsiyon. We need your help to
spread the word about these videos. Please subscribe to our channel and
watch these videos, then send the links to others, with an emphasis on young
folks, so they will be exposed to this life-changing video series featuring
To see all of Emily's NewsBytes videos, and others that are coming out every
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