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Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 15.05 - 11/07/6019 TAM  - 02/01/2020 AD


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Who is on trial?

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“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you."
Isaiah 60:1, 2

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the Remnant Exodus:

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“In this is my Father glorified, that you bear much fruit; and so you will be my disciples."  John 15:8

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From Eliyahu:

Shalom friends,

A case of unrighteous judgment.We are all on trial, every day. Some of us know it, all the time. Some of us know it, but don't think about it. And some of us will never know it, until it is much too late.

This Sabbath we are considering the passage in John in which Yeshua stands before Pontius Pilate, a man so jaded by politics that he doesn't even know what truth is. So often it is such like men who are put in positions to judge and determine the fate of the innocent.

I saw a movie about such a case this week. "The Conspirator" was originally released in 2010, and bombed at the box office. The critics didn't like it very much. I never heard of it, until recently, when it got a new life on Amazon. Dawn and I like to watch historical movies, so it was recommended to us. We watched it a few days ago, just before I started studying the passage for this Sabbath. Perhaps the critics find true stories about liberty, justice and truth - and the opposite - tedious and boring. Personally, I don't care what they think. For me it was one of the most worthwhile films I've seen this century. It was the perfect movie to get me in the right frame of mind for the passage in John. What a "coincidence." Here is what the movie is about:

"The Conspirator" Mary Surratt is the lone female charged as a co-conspirator in the assassination trial of Abraham Lincoln. As the whole nation turns against her, she is forced to rely on her reluctant lawyer to uncover the truth and save her life. IMDb

The attitudes of the judges, the prosecution and the political system behind them are a study in unrighteous judgment. The civil war was recently won against the South and President Lincoln was assassinated. The loss of thousands of Northern husbands and sons in the war was still a fresh wound on the hearts of the victors, and now this! It had to be the rebel scum that did this! They had to pay, right now! The political pressure to find, try, and 'hang the culprits' was immense. Mary Surratt happened to be from the South, and she happened to own the boarding house where the prosecution claimed a conspiracy to assassinate the president was hatched. In the minds of just about everyone, that was enough to make Mary Surratt a co-conspirator. But what of the evidence? What of the truth? What of justice? It is under this kind of popular and/or political pressure that injustice so often wins the day.

We need a righteous Judge!Mankind needs a Judge who has born the brunt of such wicked judgment. Court is in session and that very Judge is watching the proceedings unfold. He is the Messiah, and the prophet Isaiah describes Him this way:

"The Spirit of YHWH will rest on him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of YHWH! His delight will be in the fear of YHWH! He will not judge by the sight of his eyes, neither decide by the hearing of his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the poor, and decide with equity for the humble of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; and with the breath of his lips he will kill the wicked. Righteousness will be the belt of his waist, and faithfulness the belt of his waist." Isaiah 11:2-5

Come, Lord Yeshua! The righteous long for your righteous judgments in the earth!

Join us live tonight at tsiyon.net, at 8 pm cst. Consider who is on trial.




Editor's Note: USA President Donald Trump announced a new Mideast peace plan on January 28, 2020. It is very different from all previous proposals. It is summed up below.

Trump peace plan recognizes Israel’s right to sovereignty over West Bank settlements, and a Palestinian state with E. Jerusalem capital

Reprint: debka.com, Jan 28, 2020

Trump Peace PlanIsrael may as of next week annex the Jordan Valley and all 150 Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, i.e. 30pc of the West Bank, while the Palestinians would have four years to win an independent state and a capital in East Jerusalem.

That is the substance of President Donald Trump’s vision for an Israel-Palestinian peace as he presented it at the White House on Tuesday, Jan. 28, alongside PM Binyamin Netanyahu, in a striking historic event – even for the critics of its content.

The prime minister stated “I agree to negotiate with the Palestinians on the basis of your plan,” because, he said, unlike all previous peace initiatives, this one strikes a “realistic balance” between Israel’s security needs with recognition of Biblical sites as the bedrock of our Jewish heritage, while also understanding and addressing Palestinian aspirations. All previous plans required Israel’s withdrawal from the Jordan Valley, its vital eastern frontier.

Both Trump and Netanyahu welcomed the UAE, Omani and Bahraini ambassadors, who accepted Trump’s information to attend the event, making it hard for Palestinian Authority Mahmoud Abbas to go through with his all-out campaign to derail it with the help of full Arab support. He will also seek Arab League backing for his rejection. The Saudi and Jordanian envoys were absent.

The Trump plan also states:

  • The US and Israel will set up a joint committee to develop the plan in detail.

  • The Palestinian refugee problem will be resolved outside Israel

  • A $50bn fund is approved for developing the Palestinian state over 10 years promising a million new jobs and an end to dependence on charity.

  • Israel will retain military control of the land west of the Jordan River.

  • No Palestinians or Israelis will be evacuated from their present homes.

  • The status quo remains on Temple Mount under Israeli sovereignty with freedom of worship for all faiths.

  • For Palestinian statehood to be attained in four years on 70pc of the territory, Hamas and Islamic Jihad must be disarmed, peace negotiations begin with Israel, which is recognized as a Jewish state, and terror and violence renounced. The new state will be demilitarized.

  • The US will open an embassy in the capital of the contiguous Palestinian state.

Trump in his presentation speech stressed there would be no compromise on Israel security and his plan for two states offered no risk to Israel. Addressing the Palestinians, he said this was their last chance for an independent state and a bright future for their youth. Turning to the Arab world, the president said it was their chance to correct the mistake they made in 1948 and start a new chapter with the state of Israel.


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