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Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 15.08 - 11/28/6019 TAM  - 02/22/2020 AD


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Breakfast can be special.

The time has come.

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“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you."
Isaiah 60:1, 2

Time Left to Prepare for
the Remnant Exodus:

33 Months

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Yeshua said "..You follow me." John 21:22

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From Eliyahu:

Shalom friends,

A normal breakfast?Did it ever strike you as odd, even surreal, how times of profound impact can, nevertheless, feel normal? That feeling came over me today while I was thinking about the last chapter of John, John 21. That chapter is an epilogue to the book, and comes across as sort of an afterthought attached at the end. The setting involves something that is one of the most normal things in the world - breakfast. What could be more normal than breakfast? Indeed, as breakfast time rolled around for the seven hungry fishermen there was no sign of anything unusual on the horizon. As sometimes happens when fishing, they had failed to catch anything, and they needed to catch something if they would have their morning meal. No doubt, they were feeling disappointed by their failure to catch anything, and perhaps even a little downhearted about it.

Usual becomes unusual.Then it began to happen. They didn't notice at first, but they had already entered into the Supernatural Zone. Within a mere instant they had transitioned out of the normal and mundane, into events that would set the course of their lives and make memories to last them a lifetime. The resurrected Yeshua showed up, and when Yeshua shows up, the entire universe seems to get an adjustment, at least their universe did.

Have you ever had that happen? If it did, would you know? That seems a strange question, but it isn't really. In reading the story, at first it seems like the disciples could have missed the whole thing. People are like that. We get so trapped in our own 'normal' that we sometimes fail to see supernatural opportunities being offered to us outside of our own bubble of 'reality'. Believe me, if those seven disciples fishing together that morning, who had walked with Yeshua for years, could almost miss Him - well, how much more so you or I?

Yet, in the midst of the 'normal' He is there. Sometimes that can seem so incongruous. Am I saying that in the midst of working to make a living, changing diapers or going to school you can have an encounter with the resurrected Son of God? That is exactly what I'm saying!

Breakfast with the man from Galilee.In fact, it is in all of those normal activities of your life that He desires to walk with you, to fellowship with you, and to share the mundane moments, and even more so, the troubling and painful moments with you! Letting Him into all of the normal activities of your life elevates them into component parts of a transcendent story - your story - your testimony of His power to transform you into someone extraordinary! 'Normal' takes on a whole new meaning when He is part of it.

Maybe you are fixing the car, sweeping the floor, doing the laundry, making the bed, or having breakfast - and you hear that knocking sound. Do you hear it? Knock, knock, knock. What is that knocking sound? It is the sound of Yeshua, knocking on the door of your heart! Will you let Him into your day, right now?

He says:

"Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, then I will come in to him, and will dine with him, and he with me." Revelation 3:20

Listen, if you want to, you can have breakfast with Yeshua every day!  Now, that's the breakfast of champions!

Join us live tonight at tsiyon.net, at 8 pm cst, as we conclude the profound journey we have been enjoying, following Yeshua through the four Gospels.



P. S. Here are a few important notes:

  • Tonight in Tsiyon Academy we will be considering the last chapter of John.

  • The book of "The Acts of the Emissaries" will be next, in Tsiyon Academy.

  • Download "The Acts of the Emissaries" from this page:

  • https://tsiyon.net/tsiyon-academy/tsiyon-academy-schedule-resources/

  • If you have been missing Tsiyon Academy, this is a great time to start.

  • This is the last Sabbath of month 11 of the Torah Year of 6019 TAM.

  • After that, month 12 begins. After that 6020 TAM begins.

  • 6020 TAM will be Year 5 of the current Shmita Cycle.

  • 6022 TAM will be Year 7, the Shmita Year, a very important year for the Remnant.

  • Do you have a current passport good through that year?

  • If you don't have a passport it would be good to get one now.

  • Do you have family members who need a passport? Get them one too.

  • Act early in your Remnant planning. The devil will oppose you.

The signs of the times are rolling in like the rising tide. Things are changing fast. Are there changes you should make to be ready for what's ahead? Remember what Yeshua said about these very times:  “So be careful, or your hearts will be loaded down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that day will come on you suddenly. For it will come like a snare on all those who dwell on the surface of all the earth. Therefore be watchful all the time, praying that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will happen, and to stand before the Son of Man.”  Luke 21:34-36


Do you remember seeing this in our Remnant Tribes of Israel Seminar?

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