From Eliyahu:
Shalom friends,
the late 1990s I was privileged to make a mission trip to Singapore, where I
ministered to a congregation of ethnic Chinese brethren. In the short time
that I was there I came to deeply appreciate the hospitality, the
intelligence, the diligence, and the industriousness of my Chinese friends.
I also enjoyed many of their Chinese customs and culture, which they readily
shared with me. I loved those folks and I still miss them today. From that
experience I know that the Chinese people stand in stark contrast to the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that has ruled China since 1949.
Yes, it is the same CCP that rules China today. Much can be known about the
CCP from one simple fact of history - in the 20th century during the Chinese
Cultural Revolution (1966-1976) alone, the CCP killed some number between 1
million (1,000,000) and 8 million (8,000,000) of their own people
in pursuit of their Marxist goals. While unthinkable to the sensibilities of
western populations, killing masses of their own people for strategic
purposes has never been a problem for Marxist dictators, since they
rationalize the slaughter as being for "the greater good."
the broad estimate of deaths from 1 to 8 million, is not very exact. This is
not the fault of historians who have attempted to chronicle the atrocities.
The CCP has more precise numbers and details regarding the people they
killed, which information the CCP classifies as "state secrets" which they
have never released. If they truly had turned over a new leaf they would
have been transparent with the world about the deaths, if for no other
reason than for the peace of mind of the surviving relatives and friends of
the victims. They never did that, which tells you they never really changed.
Instead of honestly breaking with the horrors of the
Cultural Revolution by being contrite about it, they have instead conducted
a massive disinformation campaign designed to erase memory of that bloody
chapter of their history from the public consciousness. It is surprising how
many people today, especially young people, minimize the mass murders of the
CCP, or even think they never happened. I was a young man during that
period, and I was well aware of a fortunate few who witnessed the bloodbath,
and escaped to tell about it. From them I know that no people on earth have
lost more, and suffered more at the hands of the CCP than the Chinese people
a difference a few decades has made in the world's perceptions of the CCP.
Western politicians and big business interests have found it both convenient
and profitable to blame then Chairman Mao Zedong for the mass murders of the
Cultural Revolution, while downplaying the role of the CCP, which Mao led.
They, along with the mass media in the West, have enthusiastically embraced,
and then echoed, the propaganda of the CCP - thus pulling the wool over the
eyes of the world. Ever playing the role of compassionate patriots, the
Western elite and their lapdog politicians and media have amassed untold
trillions of dollars from their unholy alliance with the CCP, at the expense
of the average Joe here in the West. The wealthy opportunists sold us the
naive notion that by being nice to the Communists, giving our jobs to the
CCP, giving the CCP control over our most sensitive technology (even
military technology), making them rich and powerful beyond human
imagination, that somehow the CCP would be so appreciative that they would
stop behaving like Marxists and start behaving like human beings. Now we in
the West, being pummeled by the weaponized CCP Virus, are paying the bill
for our stupidity with our freedom, our treasure, and our lives.
surprisingly, the CCP is exactly the same dictatorial communist mob now that
it was under Mao, with the same aspirations for Marxist world dominance that
has always been their central goal. The murderers have put on new clothes,
and have adopted a new look, but they are still the same abhorrent
anti-Christ cabal they have been from the start. While the West has been
asleep at the wheel the CCP has been infiltrating absolutely everything.
They have a long term master plan and they have been working it for decades
and are working it still. They have been winning for years, and they are
still winning. Success always attracts admirers. The globalists look at the
total control the CCP exercises over China and they absolutely salivate as
they imagine the same level of control over the whole world. The dystopia of
the CCP has become the model paradise for the globalists. Birds of a feather
flock together. The CCP and the globalists each have something to gain from
the other by working together. They are working together to conquer the
world. The weaponized CCP Virus is our current best evidence of that. As I
said in 2015, "The beast of Daniel is surfacing." Now, it has broken out
into the open sea of mankind and is massively changing the world. The
present bio-weapon gambit is one giant leap toward the end of the world as
we have known it.
you don't have a brain of your own anymore and have swallowed the propaganda
suggesting the sort of things I have reported above are "racist" or just
part of some so-called "Red Scare." If that's your attitude, please
unsubscribe to this newsletter, because nothing I have to say here can help
you. You are already too far gone for me to make a difference, since you are
already fully prepped to take your place in the zombie apocalypse, standing
in line to eagerly receive the "mark of the beast."
If, on the other hand, you have the grit in your gut to view present
realities of world events with a clarity that only comes from the Word and
Spirit shining like a laser on the naked truth in the world around us, then
you might want to stick around for tonight's live-streamed meeting. We are
going to talk about something I hope you have already observed, that is:
"The Weaponized CCP Virus Promotes UN Agenda 2030." This timely presentation will be aired
live to all
Tsiyon members, and is free for anyone who signs up at
Tsiyon.Net. Tell your loved ones and friends to
register free of
charge and join us for this special meeting.