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Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 15.25 - 01/28/6020 TAM  - 05/21/2020 AD


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“Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of YHWH is risen on you.
For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples;
but YHWH will arise on you, and his glory shall be seen on you."
Isaiah 60:1, 2

Time Left to Prepare for
the Remnant Exodus:

30 Months

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“Be still, and know that I am Elohim. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth.
YHWH of Armies is with us. The Elohim of Jacob is our refuge. Selah.”
Psalms 46:10+11

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From Eliyahu

Consider this:

Prepare for the TechnocalypseIt came on us suddenly, and shut down the world. There are now about 5 million confirmed cases of the virus globally, with well over 300,000 deaths, and far reaching effects beyond that. I don't have to tell you about the effects, because you are still feeling them right now - no matter who you are or where you live. Everything has changed, and it will never be the same again. It is still much too soon to tell what the full scope of the aftermath will look like. One thing we know now, this experience has taught us, and is teaching us, a lesson that many of us have rarely considered - we live in a very vulnerable world. Now we should all know that vulnerability of our world is not just a "conspiracy theory." It is a fact. This is underscored by the true origin of the pandemic. While many still don't want to believe it, and some are working hard to cover up the truth, nevertheless, the virus is synthetic - a bio-weapon created and deployed for a sinister purpose.

Have you realized this phase may be merely an experiment, meant to gather data on how the world reacts? Why would anyone do that? To prepare a much more devastating "round two." I know that's a scary thought, but I don't write it to scare you. The point is, whomever would do this in the first place is capable of doing worse, the very worst that actor can do. In fact, in our vulnerable world, one bad actor can gain access to such devastating technology, that we all now live under the constant specter of a technocalypse that could devastate the human race.  

A kit to destroy all life?Technology has now advanced to a point of no return. The technocalypse can happen, and perhaps has happened already and simply hasn't finished its trajectory yet. Here's the best example: As I've explained before, the potential now exists for someone to spend less than a thousand dollars US for a CRISPR kit whereby they can actually edit DNA, human and/or otherwise. This is from an ad to buy one: 

ABOUT THE CRISPR-CAS9 SYSTEM - The CRISPR-Cas9 system relies on two components—a targeting domain (sgRNA–orange) and a nuclease domain (Cas9–blue). This system allows for the generation of double-stranded breaks, at highly specific and targeted sites within the genome. Harnessing the cell’s own natural repair mechanisms, we can cause frameshift mutations leading to gene knockout or provide a template for the cell to repair from leading to targeted insertions. [https://canopybiosciences.com/product-category/crispr-cas9-system/]

In principle, this works a lot like building with LEGOs. It does, of course, require more knowledge and experimentation to effectively use this system than it does to build with LEGOs. It is very doable, however, for any intelligent person (or criminally insane person) who is willing to put some time and effort into learning how to manipulate the very building blocks of all life. Nobody ever seems to ask the question: "should I do it." We all know that the scientific mind is prone to do whatever can be done, leaving the consequences for the rest of us to deal with. At this point in time we don't know where tampering with the building blocks of life itself will take mankind, but this synthetic virus that has shocked the entire civilization of the world ought to be a wake-up call that we are over our heads, and literally anything can happen - a planet-wide technocalypse can happen.

As a Bible prophecy teacher I have known for decades that my generation will see the end of the world as we have known it. This is not something I've been quiet about, because every person has everything at stake, so I feel compelled to share what I know with anyone and everyone who will listen. For a long time Bible-based people like me were ridiculed for seeing the world on this down-slope toward disaster. Not any more. Oh, we are still ridiculed, but not for that.

Universities are working on this.Now there are leading universities and scientific institutions with entire departments devoted to studying the problem of the vulnerable world. Further, these efforts are funded and backed by billionaires who have had a lot to do with bringing us to the critical point we are now at. There is a reason all of these elites have palatial bunkers built under all of their homes and buildings, and why they are pushing so hard to colonize the moon and even Mars. They know that earth is no longer a safe place to be, and that the technocalypse they have created could potentially devastate mankind at any moment. They fund the colleges, universities, and think tanks with truck loads of money to study the problem, because they are in a race against time, and they know it. They want a solution, and they want it now.

One of their leading thinkers in the vulnerable world arena has recently proposed a solution, a very radical solution. The elites love that solution and are already working to implement it globally. Our recent "pandemic" global re-set is likely a desperate attempt sponsored by them to fast-track the world toward their solution.

What is their solution? I can't tell you here, because what they have in mind is so repugnant that it would be wrong of me to even tell you about it, without a solid basis in fact, and a test of their idea, and most importantly of all - the alternate solution that can actually save us from certain doom. I simply can't tell you something like this and leave you hanging. As I said before, I am a Bible prophecy teacher, and I already know where this is going. What I don't know is what will happen with specific individuals. Ultimately, that will be determined by the choices people make as they face a series of intense pressure points that are now on the horizon for every person in the whole world. It all starts by getting a grasp of the real situation, and from there, making the right choices.  

Please join me tonight for my live-streamed timely presentation entitled: The Vulnerable World Technocalypse. This live meeting will be aired tonight, at tsiyon.net, at 8 pm cst. Tell your loved ones and friends to register free of charge and join us for this special meeting. By signing up they will also receive this newsletter, and vital videos and seminars - free. Big things are happening fast, join us, and stay informed.

Blessings and good health to you!



We are victims of a synthetic virus bio-weapon. Here is the proof. Click the graphic.

This is a bio-weapon!


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