21st Century is totally unique in history. The world-changing technology of this
period is the first thing many associate with these times. This technological
progress was foreseen by many, who believed the global internet and related
technologies would bring in an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity for the
world. Yes, most of us have had cell phones now for sometime, tiny
supercomputers electronically connecting us to each other and to the world.
There have also been advances in medicine that have benefitted some while
leaving others behind. After naming the internet, mobile phones and medical
advances, it starts getting difficult to add to the list of benefits of the 21st
Century for the average person. These benefits have not amounted to the net gain
promised by the technology. In fact, by every scientific measure, on average
people have been getting less happy, less hopeful, more fearful, and more angry
- as they also have grown less prosperous and uncertain of the future, over the
last 20 years. Why is this?
The truth is, the goal of those who control the levers of power
in the world has not been to make average people more prosperous and happier
- despite all disingenuous claims to the contrary. Quite to the contrary, they
see it as being in their interest to make people unhappy, fearful of the future,
and as discontented as possible. Why? Prosperous and happy people are reluctant
to accept radical change - and radical change is what the elite are after. Make
no mistake, the elite see the 21st Century as THEIR century! They have a plan to
get unprecedented global control, involving massive change, and they are working
elite have used the unprecedented technology of this era to drain the pockets of
the majority, to make the super-wealthy more prosperous than at any time in
history. The difference in wealth between the haves and the have-nots has never
been greater, with just 8 people controlling more wealth than half the world!
I'm not saying these eight comprise the entire elite. Not at all. It is a
somewhat larger group, though still small and exclusive, that controls all of
the major corporations of the world, through which they exercise more power than
national governments, in fact actually using their vast resources to control
governments on every level. They have rigged the system, so that every new
disaster for the average person is a boon for the .01 percent. They have also
rigged the world to get more control over the personal lives of the population.
This is what globalism is all about - controlling the world's people who would
otherwise rise up against the super-wealthy technocrats who are fleecing the
wealth of the world while stealing the privacy and freedom of the people. If you
were to deliberately hurt people, you would expect pushback, and the globalists
do. That's why they enlist brilliantly insane people with every possible
expertise to continually weave elaborate schemes and fake news stories to
misdirect attention away from the real villains onto others. They deliberately
create racial tensions, social tensions and political tensions, and even a gap
between the generations, to keep the people fighting among themselves - instead
of seeing the true source of the world's ills and dealing with that.
we look back over the 21st Century, we see a pattern over time that looks
something like a layer cake, with layers laid down and left in place, with each
successive layer stacked one upon the other. At this point, remaining future
layers, as projected and published by the globalist architects - the 'bakers' of
the cake - can be known. The bakers may vary the timeframe a little, so the
dates may vary a little, but this is a pretty good picture of the final cake,
otherwise known as the One World Government. When the cake is fully constructed
and 'baked' it will be a birthday cake - namely the birthday of the global
government foretold in the prophecies of Daniel, Revelation, and other books of
the Bible. Once this happens, those prophecies indicate we will have entered the
last seven years of this Age, to be followed immediately by the return of
Messiah and the Millennial Kingdom. The question you need to ask yourself is
this: Does this globalist plan, much of which is already accomplished, really
match the prophecies of Scripture, and the Biblical timeline therein? If the
answer to that question is 'yes' then you have everything at stake and surviving
this upcoming period with faith fully in tact must be your highest priority. In
that case, you need to be getting ready!
Tonight we are presenting our final message in the series on "The Ages of This World".
This message is entitled "The End of This World." This message will focus
on the same timeframe as covered by the Globalist Layer Cake shown here. Compare
that globalist plan with Bible prophecy and judge for yourself whether this is
for real. It is rather jolting to look at dates and events indicated in Bible
prophecy, but that is exactly what this message does. Can you handle that?