Deceptions. Half-truths. Spin. More lies. Spoof emails. Telemarketing scams.
Click bait. Identity theft: someone else pretending to be you.
Misrepresentation. Coercion. Hacking. Cyber-attacks. Marketing. Fake news.
Mass hypnosis. Mind control. What is all that? Just another day in the
devil's world! I'm way past sick of all of that dishonesty and deception,
coming from nearly every direction, all the time. How about you?
Why is this
happening? Why can't all those liars just start telling the truth? Why can't
a snake be a bunny-rabbit?
is little to no fear of God in our modern world. With no fear of God there
is no accountability and no righteousness. There is nothing to restrain the
selfish (nearly everybody) from using any means possible to get what they
want (from you). Its just natural, its evolution, "survival of the fittest"
and all that - or so they think. Don't misunderstand me. They are all 'nice'
people. Socially acceptable people. Your neighbors, your friends, and maybe
even you. Doing their job. Just trying to get ahead. Doing what they think
they need to do to satisfy their needs and desires. All responding to lies
and deceptions from others that they have come to believe themselves. All of
them victims and victimizers at the same time. This is what a wicked society
looks like. This generation was foreseen and foretold:
know this, that in the last days, grievous times will come. For men will
be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, blasphemers,
disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection,
unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, no lovers of
good, traitors, headstrong, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than
lovers of Elohim; holding a form of godliness, but having denied its
power. Turn away from these, also. 2 Timothy 3:1-5
about the last days generation and try to prove that is not our world! This
is what our day looks like, written in advance 2000 years ago. This is what
the days of Noah looked like, over 4000 years ago. "Elohim saw the earth,
and saw that it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the
earth" Genesis 6:12.
Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. We've got a match!
the days of Noah were, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. For as
in those days which were before the flood they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into
the ship, and they didn’t know until the flood came, and took them all
away, so will be the coming of the Son of Man. Matthew
here is the sin of selfishness. Very few people see selfishness as
wickedness, and yet, it is. It causes people to be so self-focused that they
ignore God, their Creator, and their entire focus becomes getting what they
want, even if they have to be liars, connivers and thieves to get it. Of
course, nobody wants to be thought of as being that sort of person - so they
throw up a smoke screen to make you (and even themselves) think they are
better than that. They even do hand-picked good deeds sometimes just to
support the false image of themselves, to fool others and to make themselves
feel like a good person. However, when it comes down to their REAL goals -
the things they REALLY want - well, Katy bar the door! If you are standing
between them and something they want, prepare yourself for a bad time. No
doubt you've had it happen yourself. People you thought were better than
that - weren't. That can be a big disappointment, when someone you thought
was a bunny-rabbit turns out to be a snake.
All the
lying and deception is rooted in selfishness. A person who is not selfish
cares about the freedoms of other people. A righteous person wants to have
his free will respected, so respects the free will of others. Business
dealings in that scenario are about mutual benefit based on truthful
disclosure of the facts and agreement between the parties. That's why they
call it "trade." I trade something you need for something I need, and we
both win. No lies, no deception, no theft. Great. If everybody did that we
would have a happy and peaceful society most of the time.
lies and deception are a way to get around all that fair trade to get an
unfair advantage over someone else. I learned how that works when I was
young and stupid. I took a job as a salesman that claimed to offer good pay.
What they didn't tell me up front is what they actually wanted me to do to
get that pay. I didn't find that out until they sent me out with their best
salesman to train me. That dude made insane money! He was an expert in
"marketing" they said. Yeah, right. That's when I found out that "marketing"
actually means deceiving and coercing - at least, that was his version. In
his thinking, anyone could sell something to someone who actually needed and
wanted the product. He wasn't interested in that at all. He said you aren't
really a salesman until you can get a person to want something they hadn't
wanted and didn't need, then make them want it, then sell it to them for far
more that it's worth! I thought he was just joking. He wasn't. He brought me
on his next sales call and I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Before he
left, his victim was actually weeping as she handed him the exorbitant check
she couldn't afford to spend! He had trampled all over her free will and had
psychologically assaulted her with mind control tactics worthy of a CIA
interrogator shaking down a terrorist! In utter disgust, I quit before I
ever got started.
all the people who would claim to be above that sleazy salesman are doing
exactly what he did. The billionaires, the bankers, the corporate elite, the
media, the politicians and the mega-church pastors with three jets and
several multi-million dollar homes, and all the rest of the high-rollers and
movers and shakers of this world - they make that sleazy salesman look like
some kind of boy scout!
they are all mind-controlling you, and they have been for years. We are
talking about the brain-chains, the matrix of lies that bind humanity to the
devil's system. All the deception and corruption is literally destroying the
world. Their most popular product is the me-religion! Don't buy into it,
because it will rot your brain and lead you into destruction.
What you
need is truth. No spin. No deception and no coercion. Just truth you can
make real decisions on.
Yeshua said: "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." John 14:6
truth. What a wonderful, refreshing experience!
There is
nothing like truth to shatter the brain-chains, to set you free to see
yourself, the world, and even heaven, as they really are. Acts 9 is all
about that kind of breakthrough truth experience that opens your eyes to set
you free to see the truth, pursue the truth, and share the truth. Nothing is
more-life changing than meeting the Truth, who is Yeshua!
I was
blessed with a Truth experience like that 40 years ago that rocked my world
and changed the entire trajectory of my life. It was like getting fired out
of a cannon, and even after nearly forty years, the force of that encounter
still projects me forward on the adventure of a lifetime. No, I have not
acquired three jets, several multi-million dollar homes, and an obscene bank
account - I have something far better. I have Him. I have the Truth. It is
my great privilege to share it, to share Him. That's what Tsiyon is all
about, and if truth is what you are after, well, we've got that here - if
you can handle it. We don't coerce anyone here. We respect your free will.
We only promise to tell you the truth as we've received it. What you do with
that truth will always be 100% up to you. No mind control, no deception, no
Accountability? Yes, the truth always brings accountability - to Him. Its
called fear of God. We all owe Him - big time! As soon as Saul saw the Truth
as his reality, he also saw his accountability, and he acted on it. Doing
his duty made Saul/Paul a major force for the Kingdom, and we all still look
to him for guidance and direction, not to mention inspiration, because of
all he suffered and accomplished in Yeshua's name. Tonight we return to
Tsiyon Academy with a powerful look at Acts 9 and the conversion experience
of Saul.