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From Eliyahu
Consider this:
is the world so crazy right now? The answer is simple: we are in the midst
of a world war, and even though it still is being played out, the enemy has
already won. For the most part, it is not a shooting war. That's because
winning depends on stealth and deception on the part of the aggressors who
are running an 'op' on humanity. They maintain a false face on their true
intentions, selling the world an altruistic vision as a cover. The vast
majority of the world's population must stay unaware of the meaning of the
events around them, so they do not engage against the enemies of humanity
who are perpetrating the war. Here, I am of course, speaking of the cabal of
globalists who are closely associated with organizations such as the World
Health Organization, the United Nations itself, and the World Economic
Forum, with lots of help from the CCP and other complicit national players.
In fact, at this point, these organizations are little more than front
groups for the mega-corporations and billionaires who are out to solidify
their control over the nations and people of the world through the creation
of a global government meant to take control of absolutely EVERYTHING. And
yes, I know how crazy that sounds - and is. Yet, these groups have already
told us what they are doing, and I am just summarizing it for you, without
the spin.
example, consider the United Nations "Global Goals." Wikipedia summarizes
them by saying:
The Sustainable
Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked
goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more
sustainable future for all".
The SDGs were set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are
intended to be achieved by the year 2030.
We all want a "better and more sustainable future for all" don't we? Well,
when you go to the United Nations website and read the "Goals" they have
been working to implement since 2015 you will be utterly amazed at the scope
of those "goals" as enumerated in
detail. While some of the
"Goals" themselves sound great, the means required to achieve them must be
total control over everyone. The masterminds make it very clear in their
promotional materials that all people must comply (for the good of humanity
of course). That's because, under this plan, the globalists must receive
control over all of the earth's resources, including over the people, as a
necessary pre-condition to accomplish the "Goals." On a national level, this
means that the nations of the world must surrender their national
sovereignty to comply with "Agenda 2030" - which they have already ratified
in the UN General Assembly in 2015. The term "globalism" is synonymous,
among other things, with this shift of power from the nations to the 2030
Global Government.
Of course, this darker aspect
of Agenda 2030 is never discussed publicly by the establishment, including
the establishment media. Despite that, there has been major pushback against
the globalist plot by forces dedicated to maintaining their national
sovereignty. This pushback has been scorned as a "populist" movement by the
globalists and their lackeys. Brexit is one major example of this populist
pushback. Perhaps the example which has been the greatest threat to the
globalist agenda has been the election and administration of President
Donald Trump. His election turned on the choice between globalism and
nationalism. His "Make America Great Again" motto spits in the eye of the
globalist plot.
As I
predicted in advance, the globalist forces have fought tooth and nail
against Trump from before his election to the present, bringing every
deceptive and corrupt scheme possible against him, in an effort to unseat
him from office. While in office, he has ceaselessly unhinged and tirelessly
spoiled all efforts within his sights by the globalists to bring down
America - which they must do to gain ascendancy over the world. This is the
essence of the world war now being fought. It is globalism against
nationalism - and the point of that arrow is Donald Trump.
is a bio-weapon of the globalists. It was concocted on purpose in a lab,
and was released on purpose with very strategic timing. Donald Trump,
despite all the attacks against him, had accomplished more for America and
Americans of every race and creed, than any US President in at least the
last 70 years. This is shown by looking at the numbers instead of at all of
the insults relentlessly hurled against Trump by the media. In saying this I
am not speaking as a supporter of Trump. I am a supporter of the Kingdom of
Yeshua Messiah alone. I am simply speaking as an objective observer of what
has actually gone on. Anyway, my point is, the globalists knew, on the basis
of his record, they would not be able to unseat him from a second term. It
became vital for them to unseat him, because he has been a major resistive
force against their globalist program. Hence, Covid-19, at exactly the right
strategic moment. Through this crime against humanity they created an issue
that could be used against him to unseat him from office. At the same time,
Covid-19 has already raked in multiple billions for the elite.
importantly, the pandemic has softened up the people and the nations of the
world for the next phase of Agenda 2030, namely,
the Great Reset, promoted by
the World Economic Forum. Notice that this will be the next phase of the
war against humanity, planned to come up shortly after a new and more
compliant American administration is put into office.
get there, an election had to be won against Trump. This was, without a
doubt, the most crooked US election in American history (and probably
history period). That is not a conspiracy theory. More facts come out
daily demonstrating every sort of voter fraud known to man being brought to
bare in the recent "election." Most troubling of all is the revelation of
computer programs used to actually move votes from one candidate to the
other sufficient to steal the election for the globalists (the democrats are
just a sub-group of the globalists in the effort to bring down America). We
don't know for sure yet if the globalists will be able to make the crooked
"election" stick. I read an article this morning which, if true, offers some
hope of maintaining the integrity of America for a little while longer - or
not. It may just result in a further intensification in the war, if
anything. Read it yourself
In any case, if Trump does
manage to overcome the subversion of the globalists and stay in office, at
best he will only manage to hold off the inevitable a little while longer.
Prophecies in Daniel and Revelation tell us where this world war will end.
The globalists will win, and will bring in the most horrible oppression ever
experienced in the world. Yeshua told us. He said:
"..then there will be
great oppression, such as has not been from the beginning of the world
until this time, no, nor ever will be again. Unless those days had been
shortened, no flesh would be saved. But for the sake of the chosen ones,
those days will be shortened." Matthew 24:21-22
is no joke. That's what the corrupt super-wealthy globalists are bringing on
mankind, powered by money, influence and technology to make it happen.
Globalist traitors, betrayers, double agents, saboteurs, opportunists and
cowards now riddle the governments and bureaucracies of, not only America,
but of every major country in the world. Unimaginable money has been spent
and is being spent to buy politicians and other government players in
strategic positions to act, like an army of termites, to bring down the old
national order. The corruption is so wide spread nothing can stop this now,
even if there is some back and forth in the flow of the war. This is the end
of the age, and you are living through it, whether you want to or not.
Covid-19 should tell you that you are not beyond the reach of the
globalists. They are after us all.
of the nations will fall to the corruptive influence of the globalist
forces. This is a heart-breaker for people who love their nation. No place
is this more true than in America. There are millions of Bible-believing
Americans here who see the Bible and the American Flag as very much two
parts of the same whole. For them, it is nearly impossible to dream of their
idealized America being lost to the globalists. Yet, the facts on the ground
are against them in this, as also is the message of Bible prophecy. Their
position is much like the people of Jerusalem in the time of Jeremiah. The
Prophet told them it had already been determined by YHWH that Jerusalem
would be destroyed by Babylon, and he offered the people a way of escape. At
the same time, there were numerous experts and "prophets" telling the people
"that will never happen! Jerusalem is God's city!" they said. Jeremiah,
though simply conveying what YHWH had said, was viewed with distain, as some
sort of traitor, simply for conveying the message. None but a few listened
to Jeremiah, to be blessed with a way of escape when the Babylonians did
indeed come and destroy Jerusalem, killing many, and carrying off most into
captivity in Babylon. If this could happen to Jerusalem it certainly can
happen to America, or any country. As both Yeshua and Abraham Lincoln are
both quoted as saying: "A house divided against itself cannot stand." With
patriots in mind, I am bringing out a new video series, meant to get the
Lord's people to look up, to see His Plan written in the stars. The name of
this new video series is: The One and Only Nation Written in the Stars.
One of this video series will be premiered tonight, entitled: The Creator
Wrote Signs in the Sky. You will find this series to be very
encouraging, since it reveals that YHWH had a plan for His people for these
days, before mankind ever existed! Come and take in this unique Bible
This entire series will be made available to the public,
so invite your friends and
relatives to see this with you.
This premiere will be aired
at 8 pm cst. I look forward to sharing
these ground-breaking messages with you!
Blessings and good
health to you!