the most ancient times righteous men and women have looked up at the stars
in wonder and awe, and felt moved to give glory to the incomparable Creator
who made the heavens. For example, David wrote:
When I look at your heavens, the work of
your fingers, the moon and stars that you set in place - what are mere
mortals, that you concern yourself with them; humans, that you watch
over them with such care? Psalms 8:3-4
Indeed, the sheer size and scope of the heavenly
creation makes man seem very small, infinitesimal really, by comparison.
Yet, the Scriptural record reveals that our Grand Creator put all of that
heavenly splendor into place with humans in mind. The entire visible
universe is constructed with man in mind, according to the Scriptural
record. In fact, the Bible would have us believe that the earth is a unique
place in the universe, with all of the heavenly bodies having been created
to be part of a sort of cosmic machine that supports Earth alone as the
center of physical life in the physical universe. [Gen 1]
uniqueness of the Earth is not a popular idea today, since many theorize
that with a universe so vast, there must be many other planets supporting
life. However, that popular idea does not stand up to the latest science,
which seems to indicate that the Earth is so unique in the universe that it
"shouldn't exist" statistically speaking. Consider this:
A new study suggests that there are around
700 quintillion planets in the universe, but only one like Earth.
Its a revelation thats both beautiful and terrifying at the same time.
Astrophysicist Erik Zackrisson from Uppsala University in Sweden arrived
at this staggering figure ... a 7 followed by 20 zeros ... with the aid
of a computer model ..Zackrissons model combined information about known
exoplanets with our understanding of the early universe and the laws of
physics to recreate the past 13.8 billion years ... the planets
Zackrissons model generated looked very different than Earth ... they
were larger, older and very unlikely to support life ... Zackrissons
work suggests an alternative to the commonly held assumption that
planets similar to Earth must exist, based on the sheer number of
planets out there ... His research indicates that, from a purely
statistical standpoint, Earth perhaps shouldnt exist. [www.discovermagazine[dot]com/the-sciences/earth-may-be-a-1-in-700-quintillion-kind-of-place]
is not surprising that the more we learn, the more known science comes into
agreement with the Bible. This keeps happening over and over again. Why?
Because the Bible is not just another book. It is filled with Divine Truth.
Why should people think it so strange that the Creator who made this unique
place, the Earth, and created everything in the visible universe for our
sake, would also communicate with us to explain to us what He is doing?
Indeed, the Bible reveals the Creator, His intentions, and His relationship
with Man - a relationship we have made very difficult due to our choice to
ignore our Creator and to go our own way instead. No, that is not everybody,
but it is almost everybody. Certainly enough of the human race to have taken
us far away from our full potential that our Creator had in mind when He
created our Earth, and mankind upon it.
In fact, at this point in time mankind has wandered so far from Him that we
are very much in danger of destroying our earthly home, and all life upon
it. We are so proud of our technological accomplishments, but this very
technology may prove to be far more than man can control, and if not
checked, could bring us to annihilation.
cuts two ways. On the one hand, we all enjoy modern conveniences. On the
other hand, technology multiplies the powers of the high and mighty of this
world to a very dangerous extent. Without it, the elite of this world could
never amass so much of the earth's wealth, and with it, so much power and
control over the politics of every country on earth. The flow of all this
money, born of the technocrats, has corrupted the politicians, so that
darkness and evil thrive throughout the nations of the world, while the
common people are thwarted at every turn. Freedoms are swiftly being rolled
back, as covid-19 has so harshly demonstrated all over the world, while the
agenda of the globalist elites is being unfolded upon the nations of the
world in startling swiftness and reality. The common thread is corruption
everywhere, eating away at the foundations of the world that mankind has
depended upon for thousands of years.
only recourse that "free" nations have had to protect themselves from
tyranny - the ballot box - seems to have now come under the technological
control of the elites, so that elections, while feigning respect for
the will of the people, have actually been transformed into selections
by the elite - meaning that any hope of real freedom is no more. At this
point, the intention of the elites is clear. In a word, they want to be God.
They intend to use technology to take all power away from everyone who isn't
them, to make the inhabitants of Earth into their clones and slaves, to
serve them and their interests. They are farming the human race, and they
are getting a lot of help from the opportunists and fools who either take
their money or believe their deceptions, or both. They promise a
humanitarian utopia just over the horizon - a utopia they clearly don't
believe in themselves, but continue to use as a carrot to entice all the
stupid donkeys who are enamored by them. This is a vain thing, and it can't
end up in anything else except a world on fire.
To what nation can we turn to escape this nightmare? Listen to this:
Come near, you nations, to hear! Listen, you peoples. Let the
earth and all it contains hear; the world, and everything that comes
from it. For YHWH is enraged against all the nations,
and angry with all their armies. He has utterly destroyed them. He
has given them over for slaughter. Isaiah 34:1-2
The prophecy of Isaiah is upon us, and the wrath of YHWH will soon fall on
"all the nations" of this world. Could that include America? What about the
word ALL don't you understand? America gets no special pass exempting
it from righteous judgment against the corruption and evil that now
permeates this land. Some are putting up a valiant fight against the
corruption, but at this point the die is cast, and America is already lost
with the other nations - even if many can't allow themselves to believe it
is for this hour that YHWH has preserved a nation that IS NOT a nation of
this world! It is a Holy Nation that He has kept for Himself. It is to His
Holy Nation that all of the righteous must flee, to get out of the corrupt
nations of the world before the punishment due them falls upon them. That's
why we must look up at the stars, to see His nation, written there before
time by our loving Creator, to point the way for us in these critical days.
The stars and the Scriptures agree. There is a nation of Divine Destiny
written in the stars, and more importantly, in the Word, to make a way for
the righteous to flee the swiftly coming wrath.
The Nation of Divine Destiny Fully Revealed will reveal to you that
nation written in the stars. Yes, this earth is a unique place in the
universe. Our Heavenly Father thought of everything - He even thought of the
trouble we are all in right now - He wrote His answer to that trouble in the
stars, so that the righteous can look up, and see His tender care for them
written in the stars before any of us were ever born. His answer is His
nation, and you need to know about it.