What makes a person mighty in the Scriptures, and why you should care.


Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 16.17 - 02/21/6021 TAM - 05/03/2021 AD

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Abbydoo Sheriff

From Eliyahu


Another Newsletter for the kid in all of us:


In my last newsletter we noted the importance of coming to the Master as a little child (Matt 18:2-4). In that vein, I shared about stories I told my kids when they were little, especially about Tom the Dinosaur, and we drew some lessons from that. Some of our folks said they enjoyed that, and would like to hear more, so here goes.


In these parts, we refer to this story as the Legend of Abbydoo Sheriff. Really, the story of my daughter, Abigail, when she was a little girl. It isn't always easy growing up as the only girl among four brothers, but Abigail made it look easy. In fact, when her brothers got too rowdy, conspired together to mischievously break the family rules, or otherwise tended toward the wrong direction, they would soon find themselves contending with Abigail: thus spawning the Legend of Abbydoo Sheriff.


Now, don't get the idea that Abby was an unpleasant or strident sort of girl. Far from it. In fact, she usually met us with a captivating smile and a charming mild demeanor. She loved the things many little girls love to do, like play with dolls, do puzzles, and color in her coloring books. The boys colored too at times, but it was always easy to spot which picture belonged to Abby - hers was the one that was colored perfectly in every way. The boys? Well, we won't go into that, which is not to criticize them. Its just that they were mostly interested in more active pursuits, as boys often tend to be. The more active pursuits of boys are normal enough, but sometimes can get a bit out of hand, taking them into outlaw territory.


All of this is the perfect set-up for a story of the Old West - thus the Legend of Abbydoo Sheriff was born. More than anything, Abbydoo loved to read. She spent countless hours in the Sheriff's Office (her room) with her nose in a book. Down the street (the hall) was the Saloon (the boy's room) where the desperados tended to congregate, to cook up whatever mischief they could get into. Whenever the gang got rowdy enough to pull her face out of the book, her ears would perk up, and the gears in her head would start to turn. Soon thereafter, Abbydoo Sheriff strapped on her big guns, grabbed her trusty lasso, and bolted toward the Saloon.


Her big guns were the Scriptures. Abbydoo always had a deep sense of right and wrong based on the Scriptures. She knew her Commandments and she was not afraid to use them! Her lasso was her unerring ability to articulate the heart of the truth in one short irrefutable statement. She would call it "taking a stand for what's right." And so it was. When Abbydoo Sheriff came bursting through the door of the Saloon with those perfect words shooting out of her lips, all bad guys within earshot had no chance of escape. She stopped them dead in their tracks, inducing an overwhelming urge to repent immediately, thus reforming the desperadoes. After that all was right, peace was restored, and they would all go out to play happily together with one another, including their mild-but-formidable sister.

Abbydoo Sheriff
Do you take a stand for what's right?

How did the Abbydoo Sheriff story and identity it supported serve a spiritual purpose? Here's a partial list:


1. It supported Abigail in her "take a stand for what's right" stance.

2. It encouraged her brothers to listen to her and take her righteous advice.

3. It encouraged all of us to look to the Scriptures to guide our speech and actions.

4. It modeled how to take a stand for righteousness with a smile.

5. It underscored the need to keep His Commandments and honor His authority.

6. It supported Godly family order.

7. A lot more.


A heart and mind stayed upon the righteousness of Scripture combined with the courage to say what's right - that's not just a good thing for Abbydoo Sheriff - these are traits of righteousness everyone of any age does well to cultivate.


Abigail has always had the inclination to stand for what's right, and I'm glad to say that has stuck with her into her adulthood. This value guides her in her position here at Tsiyon as manager of Tsiyon Road, our radio station. Just now she is producing a new series of programs, to be broadcast every Sabbath.  The series is called Hebraic Insights in the Gospels and will take you, week by week, walking with Messiah through every chapter of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Here you will discover much that is often overlooked in this foundational account of the birth, life, ministry, death and resurrection of Messiah. Right now she is doing the radio version, but will soon start releasing video versions of these same programs. You can find the new radio program episodes on the radio schedule here.


As for our Tsiyon meeting tonight, we will be continuing with "Sunrise Man From Sunrise Land". Join us at Tsiyon.Net at 8:00 PM CST for that. We are looking forward to having you with us!


Blessings and good health to you!




Join us tonight!

History Eliyahu ben David

Remember this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly.

He who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.  2 Corinthians 9:6

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