Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter - Vol 17.01 - 10/28/6021
TAM - 01/01/2021 AD
Don't miss our live online Tsiyon Meeting at
Tsiyon.Net tonight, featuring:
From Eliyahu
Consider this:
False claims of supernatural encounters can
sometimes be embarrassing for those who make them, as well as being damaging
to believers and unbelievers alike. This is exacerbated by forces of
darkness that hate God, His Son, His Word, and His people, who are always
looking for fodder they can use against believers. Take for example this
recent article from the New York Times: Life After
Proclaiming a Trump Re-election as Divinely Ordained, New York Times,
Online Edition, Dec. 31, 2021 (Appeared in the print edition Sept. 19,
2021). Below are a few excerpts:
This spring, the media
mogul Stephen E. Strang made an unusual apology to readers in the
pages of his glossy magazine [Charisma].
Mr. Strang presides over a multimillion-dollar Pentecostal
publishing empire, Charisma Media, which includes a daily news
site, podcasts, a mobile app and blockbuster books. At 70, he is a
C.E.O., publisher and seasoned author in his own right. Despite all
that, Mr. Strang worried something had gone awry.
“I’ve never been a prophet,” he wrote in a pleading March
editor’s note. “But there were a number of prophets who were very
certain that Trump would be elected.” This had not come to pass.
Mr. Strang
continued, “I hope that you’ll give me the grace — and Charisma Media
the grace — of missing this, in a manner of speaking.”
It's probably a good thing that Mr. Strang
asked forgiveness on behalf of his broadcast empire, even though he phrased
this as simply "missing this" - perhaps not owning the part of the massive
religious deception his organization had been involved in. The New York
Times took note of the extent of Charisma's involvement in
broadcasting what were deemed prophetic messages:
...the pages and airwaves of Charisma
featured a range of religious leaders and lay people telling of a Trump
victory. Each claimed that God had revealed — in dreams, visions or
ethereal signs — that Mr. Trump would take the presidency. There was,
for example: Jeremiah Johnson, a youthful seer from Florida (“a
relatively young man but has remarkably accurate prophetic gifts”); Kim
Clement, a onetime heroin user from South Africa (“he reveals the
heartbeat of God”); and Frank Amedia, a Jew-turned-evangelical preacher
with a penchant for spiritual warfare (“known for his bold and accurate
prophetic words”).
...“Running stories about politics got
clicks. And stories about prophetic words also got clicks,” Taylor
Berglund, a former editor at Charisma, said. “So you combine
these two and you had the most popular articles on the site.”
...Monthly readership of the Charisma
website rose to somewhere between two and three million, Mr. Berglund
said. “There was a real incentive to keep posting like that,” he said.
Prophecy for profit has never been a good
idea. However, Charisma was not the only religious publisher pushing
prophecies to the effect that Trump would remain in office for a second
term. "Prophets" everywhere were sounding off with this message that Trump
would remain in office to save America. I saw some of these on YouTube
and other places and never bought into this. In fact, I told people not to
believe the false prophets. I'll explain that in a minute.
As for the false prophets, eventually the
inevitable happened:
...And so, on Election Day 2020, Mr.
Strang flew to Texas to appear on the livestream of one of his friends,
the televangelist Kenneth Copeland. ...As exit polls were trickling in,
Mr. Strang donned a red MAGA hat and beamed at the camera. “I believe
Trump is going to win,” he told viewers. “The prophets have been saying
...The next morning, Mr. Strang was surprised to find that, though
ballots were still being tallied, a Biden victory seemed likely, and he
would not accept the outcome for some time. He instructed his readers to
ignore the mainstream media and fortify themselves in prayer.
...“I was feeling we were in a fairly serious place,” Mr. Strang said.
“The Christian community I serve was actually kind of depressed."
Clearly, many have been trusting in delusions,
not because YHWH is wrong, or unable to enforce His Word. Rather, the land
is full of false prophets and the people and even leaders of the Church
cannot discern the difference between true and false, the real and the fake.
It pains me to say it,
but the New York Times is justified in pointing out that the rising
tide of Christian "prophets" has largely been wrong in their predictions.
The false prophets are themselves responsible for this public drubbing, but
so are all of those who have magnified their voices. The implication that
false prophesy has harmful effects is justified as well. Suffice it to say
that this prophetic failure dishonors Messiah in the eyes of the world, and
believers too, and discourages people from recognizing REAL acts and words
of the Lord through His true servants.
On a more positive note,
this spiritual fiasco fulfills Messiah's true prophetic word for these last
days, namely: "Many false prophets will arise, and will lead many astray."
Sad to see this verse being fulfilled among professing believers! (Matthew
So, how
did I know the false prophets were/are wrong about Trump staying in office
to save America? A real prophetic message through the mouth of a real
prophet, whom I had never known before, who traveled from out of state to
convey Messiah's personal word to me on November 7, 2011, explains my
spiritual gift. Here is part of that larger message given specifically to me
back then: “You have the gift to see. They cannot see .. See for them! Tell
them where to go through the darkness that is coming on the earth.” Indeed,
I am and have proved to be a seer, and I have not shirked those Divine
instructions. I have used that gift to see how the Scripture matches world
events, and where that is going - and I have not been quiet about what I
In 2008
I had a major revelation on Revelation, seeing that the judgment of the
world has begun. I saw the incoming globalist world government, and I saw
that the America many patriotic Christians believe in is being overturned by
that world government, and is in the process of being replaced by it. I saw
and said in advance that Trump would be elected, and I said that would end
with the globalists removing him as an obstacle to their plan. Especially
since 2008 I have been constantly and consistently seeing and reporting the
prophetic Scriptures being fulfilled that tell us the end time global
government is now rising and will succeed in its aims, and that America, as
the land of freedom as we have imagined it, is over. I'm not bragging
here about being right - I'm just pointing out that the Lord has not failed
to warn His people about what is really happening and where it is going.
Why haven't you read any of that in
Charisma, or any other Church media? The answer is simple. They know
that's not going to get clicks and views, because that's not what their
readers and viewers want to hear. I myself am not happy to say that the
America so many want to see restored is, in fact, doomed. The world
government is coming in like a storm, and it is swallowing up America just
as it is swallowing up every country of the world, in fulfillment of Bible
prophecy. For the most part, many would rather believe that somehow America
will rebound to save the world. To that I must tell you the prophetic
Scripture is sure, and it does not support the concept of America as the
savior of the world. What I'm seeing is the Great Tribulation by 2030. The
sooner you accept that and get ready, the better off you will be.
Yes, there are real Divine encounters
going on, with real significance from YHWH. However, the failure of the
prophets of the Church System is proof enough that is not the place to look
for the real deal. Look outside the system if you really want to see and
hear the Holy Spirit at work. It has always been so. Yeshua arose and
ministered outside the religious system, and was rejected by it. Paul had a
real encounter with the risen Lord, and freely reported it on numerous
occasions. However, since that Divine encounter happened outside the
religious system most listeners refused to believe.
Many still refuse to believe Paul's
report of his encounter with the risen Lord, pointing to differences in the
multiple accounts as if they are contradictions that undermine Paul's story.
That's not true, as I will demonstrate in my presentation tonight, but
people so often believe what they want to believe rather than valuing the
truth. This is why the false prophets will always by more popular than the
real ones.
Join me at our Tsiyon
meeting online tonight at
Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, CST to see how all of the accounts of Paul's
encounter with the risen Lord do indeed differ, while all the while
remaining harmonious. This itself is a proof of the authenticity of Paul's
claims. Hear this, and have an answer to the skeptics.
Blessings and good health to you!
PS - Join us next week for our
latest prophetic video!