What will the righteous do? Many righteous
people are trying to figure that out right now. Some think they can reform
political structures of their home country to head off the globalists. That
won't work. Some may even resort to civil war. That will fail. Some will try
to hide out in the wilderness. Satellites and other tech will find them.
Some think the pre-tribulation rapture will whisk them away just in time.
Sadly, that timing is based on a false premise, so that too is not the
answer. What will the righteous do?
The answer is in the Torah of Moses. Have you
read it? Do you know what I'm talking about? The answer lies with the return
of the righteous remnant of the Twelve Tribes of Israel in the Last Days!
Prophets like Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Malachi, and others, all pointed
forward to these days, prophesying the return of the remnant nation. This
return must happen, so that YHWH the God of Israel may show Himself mighty
in the midst of His people, the faithful Israel of the final days. He has
promised to make a place of safety for His people, and He has not forgotten
that promise!
The globalists feel quite self-assured because
they think they are many moves ahead of the rest of the world, and that may
be true. However, YHWH is thousands of years ahead of them! He laid out this
entire end-time scenario in the Torah and the Prophets, many centuries
before the elite of this world were ever born! Right now He is working His
plan. The good news is, He is making a place of safety for the righteous to
ride out the Great Tribulation in overcoming victory!
You can be a part of that, as part of His
remnant nation. I know this sounds strange to many. It shouldn't, because
this gathering of the Remnant Nation from every corner of the world is
foretold by all of the prophets. Yet, it has been kept hidden from most
until now. The return of Remnant Israel is the one thing the elite has not
planned for. YHWH has planned for it - and His plan is glorious!
Join me for our live Tsiyon meeting online tonight at
Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, CST.
Its time to answer important questions about the return of the Remnant and
to show how practical application of this truth
is now under way.
Blessings and good health to you,
PS - [Here is a message from Abby, Director of
Tsiyon Road Radio]
"Shalom Remnant Family, Our radio program
Hebraic Insights In The Gospels has officially
been released as a
We had some requests from our listeners for a way to listen and share these
programs. So we wanted to make this program publicly available. That way people
could easily share it with their friends and family! We’re going to be regularly
releasing new podcast episodes each Sabbath. The first program is on Matthew 1
and goes into Messiah’s Davidic lineage.
Listeners can always find the newest episodes at our website."
PSS - Meeting April
30th at
Get ready to enter the Land!