Let me give you an
example of half-baked eschatology. Anyone who has read through the Bible
only one time knows that Israel is central to God's Plan. Such people see
that the Jews have returned to the Land and established a modern Jewish
state named "Israel." Surely, this is a sign that we are in the Last Days. I
agree with that - as far as it goes. Here is a random statement from the
internet that is typical of how this is often explained:
The return
of Jews to the land promised by God is a modern miracle. It also set
the End Times clock in motion. The Lord promised the land to Abraham
and his descendants forever. Every Christian knows this. Less well
known is the sheer number of prophecies in the Old Testament which
foretold a vast dispersal of the Jews following the loss of their
homeland—that, and the subsequent work of the Lord which would
restore them. Always, this restoration was couched in terms of “the
latter days.” Jesus proclaimed the same things.
How is this
"half-baked"? Part of this is right. 'the Old Testament foretold a
vast dispersal of the Jews following the loss of their homeland' - in other
words the dispersal of the Jews was the problem. What's the solution? We are
told; 'The return of Jews to the land promised by God is a modern
miracle. It also set the End Times clock in motion.' Here, the Jews and
Israel are considered one and the same. With the return of the Jews to the
Land, the problem of the dispersal of Israel is solved - leaving the
impression the prophecy is fulfilled. While there is some truth here, it is
also only half-baked.
First of all, the "Jews"
do not equate with all of Biblical Israel that the prophecies are talking
about. "Jews" is a word indicating the Tribe of Judah, which later became
the Kingdom of Judah, with Benjamin and Levi also included. All the other
tribes broke away from the Kingdom of Judah to form a kingdom of their own -
the Kingdom of Israel (also called the Kingdom of Ephraim). Because that
Kingdom of Israel abandoned the Covenant and worshipped other gods, YHWH
caused them to be deported from the Land to Assyria. From there they were
dispersed throughout the earth to be assimilated into all the Gentile
nations, where they still remain. The Jews were not part of that, and
remained in the Land. While the Jews were also deported for a time by
Babylon, they returned to the Land, a core of which continued on as a
distinct people to this day.
At this point the Jews
have been returned to the Land, fulfilling Bible prophecy. This much is
true. However, the other tribes of Israel remain scattered among the
nations. A return for them is also foretold:
"Say to
them, Thus says the Lord YHWH: Behold, I will take the children of
Israel from among the nations, where they are gone, and will gather
them on every side, and bring them into their own land" Ezekiel
This ingredient is left
out of the Christian eschatological cake; leaving it half-baked. The Kingdom
of Israel tribes have NOT been returned to the Land yet, which means the
The nation of Biblical Israel is ordered into
individual tribes. There are individual prophecies and promises for each
tribe. These cannot be ignored to conform to half-baked eschatology. Each of
these tribes need to be taken into account! If you are one of the 'wise' you
will surely see that.
When you consider the
Blessing of Moses on each tribe it becomes obvious that each has a tribal
destiny that proceeds from the heart of YHWH, as part of the larger nation
of Israel. We will be
looking at each of the northern tribes and the blessing given them through
Moses at our Tsiyon meeting tonight.
As always, our Tsiyon
meeting tonight will be
at Tsiyon.Net
at 8 PM, CST. The topic will be: Moses
Blessed the Tribes of Israel Before his Death - The Northern Tribes.
A remnant of these tribes WILL return in these Last Days. That will happen
much sooner than virtually anyone expects.
Blessings and good health to you,
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