From Eliyahu
Consider this:
I am amazed to see how quickly actual events
are now overtaking the message predicting them. Everything is moving now,
that fast. Let me explain:
One week ago I presented a message entitled: How Has The Globalist Elite Stacked The Deck?
If you saw that you know it lays out exactly how the globalist elite got
control and rigged the monetary system to push the world's wealth toward
them [you can view that video recording at]. After half a
century of that, the top 10% now own 76% of the world's wealth, while half
of the world must share only 2%! Yes, people are actually starving to
death to feed the globalist monster. At this point the bogus money system
engineered by the globalist elite is so far out of whack that it is in its
death throws, and must soon crash in the mother of all crashes.
Over the course of this last week I have been
working on the next message in the series: WHAT TO EXPECT NOW thru 2030.
This message takes up where the last one stopped, focusing on where this is
all going, and is entitled: Globalist Technoslavers. I know. It
sounds like a 'b' movie, right? Unfortunately, this is where the world has
come to in 2023 i.e. something like a 'b' movie you would never want to see
Anyway, tonight's message will lay out for you
exactly where the globalists are taking the world, and how they are going to
get there. When you see the facts, you will understand that their globalist
gambit is far more progressed than most people realize, and it is about to
shake the world. Remember the "Great Reset"? This is the grand finale of the
Great Reset, when they crash the world economy and bring in ... well, its
all in tonight's message.
Back to my opening statement though; can you
imagine what it has been like for me through this last week, as I've been
putting this message all together for you - and at the same time early death
throws of the crash I'm preparing to tell you about are popping up as front
page news?! This is a surreal experience.