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Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 18.14 - 01/14/6023 TAM - 04/05/2023 AD

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Join us for Passover tonight at Tsiyon.Net

You are invited

From Eliyahu

Passover Greetings!


Tonight you are invited to join Tsiyon and Remnant believers from around the world as we all keep the Passover together.

Having been instituted nearly 4,000 years ago, Passover is very likely the oldest continually kept national holiday celebrated in the world. People often refer to Passover as a Jewish holiday, but it is literally bigger than that. The "Jews" (a name given to the Israelite tribe of Judah) represent only one tribe out of twelve, yet all of the tribes were commanded to keep the Passover. A remnant from all the tribes of Israel, though long scattered throughout the world, still keep Passover each year. Our Passover celebration is for remnant believers of all the tribes, whether of natural birth or grafted in from the nations.

Since Passover was instituted at the time of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt, there were relative few Biblical figures who lived before the time of the first Passover, so were not included in observing it. Other than those few, the vast majority of our Biblical heroes looked forward to keeping Passover each year, just as we do today. Moses, Joshua, the Judges like Gideon and Samson, King David and all his House, all of the prophets, and innumerable humble and unnamed Israelites through many generations - all kept Passover.


Passover was dear to the hearts of Y'shua and His followers, such as all of the apostles and all first century believers, with the added dimension of all that Y'shua brought to the celebration for all of us. Time stands still on that special night, as all of Israel down through the centuries and the millennia, to the present, are bound together as the one chosen nation that has been set apart for the glory of the God of Israel. In fact, all of the 1st Century believers kept Passover, with a special remembrance of Y'shua and the New Covenant.


Yes, at times our nation has failed to live up to our high calling - and yet, we are still here, keeping Passover through the generations.

Exodus Passover1st Century Passover

The very word "Passover" is pregnant with meaning for Israel and for every Israelite. It should always remind us that our Creator set us free for a purpose, His purpose. We are a nation of purpose in the world. We are His chosen nation.


Chosen for what? Chosen to be a continual living witness to the world of the reality and character of the living God - our God - the God of our Fathers, YHWH the God of Israel. The apostle, Peter, reminds us: "You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for Elohim’s own possession, that you may proclaim the excellence of Him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light: who in time past were no people, but now are Elohim’s people, who had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy." 1 Peter 2:9-10

Make no mistake. Ultimately, as a people, we will not fail in our purpose. We cannot fail because He is entirely unwilling to allow us to fail. He has gone even to the outrageous extent of giving His own beloved Son as our Passover to save us, our Messiah, the Messiah of Israel.


Like many others, I have been keeping Passover each year for decades, having seen my hair turn from brown, to grey, to white, through the course of those years. Now, as the Jerusalem clock clicks off the few remaining years of this Age, a growing anticipation grips me with each new Passover, as I remember Messiah's words: "This is my blood of the new covenant, which is poured out for many for the remission of sins. But I tell you that I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now on, until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s Kingdom.” Matt 26:28-29

The time He speaks of, when He will drink that Passover cup with us in the Kingdom, is now only a few years away. Let us drink of His cup this Passover, with eyes fixed on that day, with feet firmly planted in the Way that will get us there! That Way is the Way of the covenant nation. The time has come for us to rise up to meet our national responsibilities, which are our destiny. Only after we overcome as His nation can we meaningfully say; Come quickly Lord Yeshua!


Our Passover here at Tsiyon Headquarters will be streamed live to you at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, CST. We will also be streaming our entire Passover live on Tsiyon Road Radio at Tsiyon.Org. If our time zone doesn't work for you, you may choose to use our recording of the live Passover, which we will get up as quickly as possible after our live stream is concluded. Either way, this is a special occasion, and we look forward to the unity in Messiah we will all be enjoying together, with you.


In His Name,




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