From Eliyahu
Consider this:
Sometimes it is
interesting how real events of the present world mirror Biblical events of
years gone by. For example, presently at Tsiyon we are focusing on Yochanan
the Immerser (John the Baptist). He had a call on his life to call his
countrymen to repentance, which required him to sharply criticize the evil
of the elites of his day. Of course, this was a dangerous proposition, as it
always is in any generation, because the elites don't like being criticized
- and they have the power to do something about it. Typically the common
people resent the misdeeds of the elites, but they lack the courage to
outwardly oppose them. That's why they applaud someone like Yochanan,
because the people get a certain vicarious joy out of watching their hero
make fools of those who are constantly burdening their lives.
This week this same
scenario came into play in the case of Tucker Carlson and Fox News. For
precisely the reason explained above, Tucker Carlson was and is the most
popular media figure in America. Every week more Americans tuned in to
Tucker, to watch him expose the dirty laundry of the elites, and to do so
with facts and a ready wit, diminishing the powerful with uproarious
As the Tucker phenomenon
rolled out from week to week, often exposing dirt that no one else in the
captive media would dare to touch, one had the sense that, at some point,
the Rubicon would be crossed and the ire of the elites would be poured out
upon Tucker Carlson. That finally happened this week, as Fox apparently
fired Tucker. Of course, that was not enough for them, which is why
virtually every elite-controlled media voice out there is piling on anything
they can distort or invent in an attempt to destroy Tucker's life as a media
voice. Watching all of this, it becomes crystal clear why the head of John
the Baptist ended up on a platter, in the court of the king.
Having said that, I must
also say that is where the similarity between Tucker and Yochanan ends.
Tucker has made no claim to a calling from God to expose the elites, and has
also made millions of dollars doing so. This is not meant to criticize
Tucker. I'm merely pointing out that Yochanan had no worldly incentives to
do what he did. He had absolutely no interest in amassing wealth, living in
the wilderness as he did, on locust and wild honey, and wearing the most
undesirable of all clothing.
Yochanan had only
one reason, one driving motivation. He was called by YHWH to his unique
mission. He was literally brought into the world for that purpose, and
fulfilling his purpose was his constant duty and focus.
Tonight on Yeshua's
Narrow Way we will be considering the call of
Yochanan the Immerser. What was he trying to
accomplish? Why was it important? Is it still relevant to us? If so, what
does it mean for us, today?
Join our live-stream tonight at Tsiyon.Net
at 8 PM, CST. As usual, we will begin to stream our timer before 7:50, if you wish to
get logged in a little early. Get to know this greatest of all the prophets
like never before.
In His Name,
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