makes a person mighty in the Scriptures, and why you should care.


Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 19.14 - 01/28/6024 TAM - 04/07/2024 AD

universal war in 2024

From Eliyahu


For years I have been sounding the alarm, long before most people were even thinking about the rise of a globalist government. Among other things, the end of America as founded must happen for the global dictatorship to completely take over. I saw signs in the sky that point to exactly that. These signs are two solar eclipses that form a giant 'X' across America, as if directed by a great hand to cross out this country.


That is exactly what this sign means! Not only that, but the solar eclipse that will occur tomorrow, April 8, 2024, will complete that sign. I published a video, 'Signs America is Doomed' - pointing to the half way mark between the two rare “American Total Solar Eclipses” on December 14,2020 - The day the Republic died. Greater than any “writing on the wall” - a mighty sign was seen in the heavens indicating the Creator crossing out America! A promo for that video states:

"We are living in the Last Days foretold in Bible prophecy, in which a global government is foretold in Scripture to take over the world. In 2008 a revelation was received and publicized indicating that the final globalist push had begun. In 2015 that push was solidified in Agenda 2030, a road map to a one world government. That globalist agenda was ratified in the United Nations by virtually all Countries on Earth. The 2015 seminar entitled "The Beasts of Daniel Surfacing" explained from the prophetic book of Daniel what was about to unfold upon the world, including the global upheaval we have seen since then.


The world coup of the globalists in its present manifestation is called The Great Reset, and is in the process of upending the entire world order as we have known it. This is nothing less than the globalist elite, and those under their political and economic control, making war on the public on a global scale.


Of course, there is pushback from the people, many of whom are waking up to the source of the tyranny. At this point the globalists have installed their minions in political power in many nations, including the USA. The USA with its historic connection to freedom must be completely overthrown for the globalists to succeed. A Biblical message predicting the imminent doom of America was published at the end of 2021. That message is now more urgent than ever, given the recent power-grab of globalist forces in Washington."

Interestingly, The FDA authorized Pfizer's Covid vaccine in that same month of December 2020. What followed, all around the world thereafter, was understood by many as evidence of a rising global government operating behind the scenes.

covid tyrannyglobalists gone wild

Formerly free countries, such as the USA, Canada, Australia, the UK, etc, along with known totalitarian ones, all adopted similar tyrannical means and methods to force people to lockdown, wear masks, and take the shot, often against their will. Not only that, but millions of small business owners were forced to close their businesses and fire their employees in the midst of the crisis. Millions of people in dozens of countries took to the streets in protest. The world is still reeling from that global experiment in tyranny, and many aware people see it as only an opening salvo in the globalist war on humanity. The globalists, always trying to appear as beneficent overlords,  prefer to call the plandemic and its aftermath "The Great Reset".


Now, in 2024, The Great Reset continues on in other garb. You can easily spot it by looking at the UN Agenda 2030 STGs. When you see crazy UN policies being followed with no regard for the will of the people you are looking at The Great Reset. For example, here in the USA we are being overrun at our southern border by millions of illegal aliens, many of whom are known criminals and terrorists. This is not what the vast majority of the American people want - this is what the globalists want, and they are getting their way. This brings us back to the "America is Doomed" scenario. We are past the point of no return. America is already lost. The patient is already dead - we just don't have the death certificate yet.


In 2024 war is on. In fact, there are quite a few headlines expressing fears that the Iran-Israel war could go regional, and even global. Similar fears have been in the news regarding Ukraine, Taiwan, and North Korea. Although we don't hear much about it here in the USA, African nations are also in conflict. War seems to be everywhere.


All of that reflects what I think of as THE WAR. I'm talking about the universal war that has raged on for centuries. The war that will soon bring the world to the very edge of destruction, before being finally settled by the Lord Yeshua at the battle of Armageddon. All of these wars are moving the world toward that final war. When that happens may all of us find ourselves on the right side of that greatest of all conflicts. 


At our Tsiyon meeting tonight we will discuss war in 2024, and how it could effect us. Join us tonight, April 07, 2024, at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM, Central, only at Tsiyon.Net. I'm looking forward to sharing this message with you.


In His Name,





April 8, and two other eclipses linked to the doom of America

America is Doomed


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"In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good courage!

 I have overcome the world." John 16:33



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