makes a person mighty in the Scriptures, and why you should care.


Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 19.16 - 02/14/6024 TAM - 04/22/2024 AD

go to school

From Eliyahu


Man's Creator wants great men. The devil doesn't. Neither do any of the power-structures of this world, whether governmental, political, social, commercial, economic, or religious. Great men, by their very nature and existence don't fit very well into the cubby holes the world would like to mash them into. Great men can tell the difference between lies and the truth, between manipulation and justice, and between integrity and corruption. Great men are righteous men, and they won't conform to unrighteousness to placate the system, so as to avoid the persecution and ridicule the system will inevitably raise up against anyone who will not compromise with evil. Great men know they are created in the image of God to express the authority of His image in this world - they are sons of God - and they are determined to act like it.


The messages constantly bombarding you from this world tell you that the rich and famous men are the great men. These are held out as the role models you should aspire to and follow. It is in the selfish interest of the power-structures of this world to make you believe that. If those captains of deception can get the masses to lust after the cheap trinkets and corrupt pleasures that they dole out to stupid slaves, then they can use that army of fools to keep pushing them further toward the top of their game, whatever game that may be.


The devil has taught his minions well, and they actually think the money, fame and vices they crave will somehow make them happy - if they ever actually attain the folly they are chasing. Unless they repent of adopting those twisted values as their own they will never be anything more that a man's carcass filled to the brim with the folly of hell. They are not great men. They are hardly men at all.

Then there are the men who are living in a sort of grey zone between the realm of the truly great men and the devil's deception of 'greatness.' There is hope for these men, if only their eyes can be opened to see who they were truly meant to be. They can only find their true identity in the face of the Ideal Great Man, the Lord Yeshua Messiah! Look for Him, as man, in the pages of the Gospels. He is not only our Savior. He is also the pattern man after whom every man is meant to be uniquely formed into the greatness of a son of God. That is not unattainable. In fact, you have everything you need right now, to attain it.


My book, Holy Order Restored tells the story of my own transformation from a mere peon into a man who knows and lives the truth. That change doesn't come easy. It involves overcoming constant opposition and misrepresentation, along with learning from one's own failings and mistakes - as well as unlearning a lot of worthless garbage. I have weathered that storm for decades, so that by now I have learned a few things about manhood. Truthfully, I have been transformed, and continue on that journey as one of the sons of God, which is how I know the same can happen for you.

Get your life in order.Order from Amazon

Where can you find the inspiration to stand against the onslaught to become the man you really were meant to be? I find the giant-killer, David, to be an excellent example of the sort of great man I'm writing about here. He was a solid rock, anchored upon the Rock foundation. Most men will conform to the 'culture' they are forced to operate in from day to day. They 'go along to get along' as the saying goes. When an individual man is submerged in the culture of a much larger majority they tend to conform to that culture. David was quite the opposite from that.


Even when an adolescent, David was a greater man than any of his countrymen.  When David was surrounded by a culture of outlaws and outcasts he did not become like them. Actually, it was those hard men that were changed by being in the company of David. Just being with David was to daily be taken to school. David was, in every sense, a mighty man, and those men who rolled with him, though starting out as outlaws and outcasts, became mighty men by his influence. They became known as David's Mighty Men, and they did the deeds you might expect of men known by such an illustrious title.


This seems a good place to tell you about a new monthly live stream panel discussion called "Messiah's Mighty Men". This is designed for those men who aspire to be the sort of men I have been talking about above - great men, in the Biblical sense. Of course, the ladies are invited to tune in as well.


Michael, the Tsiyon host of this new program, has asked me to be the first guest. As such, I will be sharing as part of a live discussion entitled "David and his Mighty Men go to school." I would like every man who aspires to righteously rise up in the image of God to be involved in this discussion.


We will be looking at the challenges, trials, and tribulations, that were formative to the character of David and his mighty men. I'm sure you will hear some new things you may not have known before - things that you can put in your own bag of tricks for your own transformation into a mighty man yourself. Not only that, but you are invited to comment and participate in this live panel discussion.


Join us tonight, April 22, 2024, at Tsiyon.Net, at 8 PM, Central, for this exciting live stream. Its free! It could be that David will inspire you to break out beyond the expectations of all others, to slay giants in the Name of the Lord!


In His Name,





New women-focused panel discussion on April 29. All are invited!

Praiseworthy Women


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"In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good courage!

 I have overcome the world." John 16:33



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