Those Biblical roles of men and women fueled the happy
families of the 50s. In the 60s feminism, free love, and the progressive
agenda took hold, and the happiness of the 50s became a thing of the past.
God's order works. Everything else doesn't.
Despite the obvious success of the natural Biblical roles of
men and women in the 50s, feminism sees those Bible roles as stereotypes to
be broken and outlawed through radical social change. For example, one article I read recently says this:
"Achieving gender equality involves addressing and
rectifying imbalances in areas such as the gender wage gap, political
representation, education, and health care. It's also tied to women's
rights and often requires policy changes to eliminate harmful practices
and stereotypes that perpetuate inequality."
There are things here that just make sense. Equal pay for
equal work is simply fair and is not against the Bible. Equal access to
things like education and health care is reasonable and fair. The part that
is the problem is "policy changes to eliminate harmful
practices and stereotypes that perpetuate inequality." Harmful
according to who?
Here are some of the "stereotypes" they want to
Personality Traits: Women are often expected to be nurturing and men to
be ambitious.
Domestic Roles: The belief that women should be
the primary caregivers and homemakers, while men should be the
Leadership: Men are frequently viewed as natural leaders, whereas
women may be perceived as less competent in leadership roles.
Physical Abilities: Men are often stereotyped as physically
stronger, which can influence opportunities in sports and physically
demanding jobs.
Do we really want to eliminate nurturing mothers? ..or female
caregivers? Do we really have to pretend that men get pregnant and have
babies? Do we really want to eliminate men being breadwinners? ..or men
behaving like leaders? Many women today don't want to have the burden of
being the primary family breadwinner and leader, yet are forced to because
their husband has abdicated those roles. Don't we need more men to step up
to be breadwinners and leaders, rather than less?
Is it just a "stereotype" that men are generally physically
stronger than women? If so, why has the U.S. Army approved reduced physical
fitness standards for women? This decision was made following a study
that found men were more able to pass the new Army Combat Fitness Test
(ACFT) compared to women. Is that difference nature or societal stereotypes?
Does that mean men and women are not equal, or that they were simply
designed differently for different roles?
Please don't get me wrong. I'm not condemning anyone because
they have to play the hand the system has dealt them. For example, you may
be a mom who would love to be home with your kids, but can't because of
economic realities in your life. We all have to eat, right? I am
simply saying the world has pretty much gone crazy over this gender equality
thing, and in the end we will all have to deal with the fact that the
Scriptures are right. Nature will always win out in the end. Whenever we try
to buck the way God created us to function will be problematic. Here's the
way to go:
"Don’t be conformed to this world, but be transformed
by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good,
well-pleasing, and perfect will of Elohim!" Romans 12:2
Yah's way is the best way, but it is usually not the easy way. The reason it
is not easy is because the devil and all of his little helpers are doing all
they can to undermine and subvert Yah's way. By turning believers to the
world's way he can create chaos in our lives. We are then so busy putting
out those fires we will have no time or energy left to be any threat to the
devil or his works. When families walk in Holy Order the family becomes a
strong fortress against the devil and every sort of evil. This is so vitally
important in these critical times.
When it is possible, having mom in the home to constantly steer the lives of
those little people who came out of her own body is such a blessing for all
concerned. It is the most important work any woman can do! The devil knows
that, which is why he would tell you that spending your labors making some
corporation richer is more important than devoting that precious time to
your family. What could be more fulfilling than lovingly shepherding your
own children through their formative years, into solid disciples of our
Lord? Women like that are surely blessed and a blessing to all of us.
This brings me to tonight's live stream, especially
for the ladies. Abigail will be hosting an all-woman panel discussion that
all of us, women and men, will find stimulating and helpful. That's tonight, May 29, 2024,
at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central.
I'm looking forward to it and I hope you are too!
In His Name,
The Creator's
intention - how He ordered the world.