makes a person mighty in the Scriptures, and why you should care.


Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 19.23 - 04/07/6024 TAM - 06/13/2024 AD

Changing Times

From Eliyahu


Our Grand Creator is the Lord of Time. This should be very important to all of us, because we are living in perilous times foretold in Scripture. The Book of Revelation begins with these words: "This is the Revelation of Yeshua the Messiah, which Elohim gave him to show to his servants the things which must happen quickly" (Revelation 1:1). Indeed, we are now living in those end-times Revelation foretold, and we are seeing those things that "must happen" unfolding very "quickly." Note that the prophecies of Scripture "must happen". That's because YHWH is the Lord of Time. He knows the end from the beginning and He shapes the times and seasons to move all things toward His unstoppable purpose.


Yeshua knew that, and came into the world right on time. He well understood when He was living, why He was there, and what He needed to do. He was walking out His Father's will, and in that process He saved us. Can the same be said of you and I? Do we well understand when we are living, and why each of us, respectively, are here? Are we each walking out our Father's will here in these last days?


Considering how the Lord of Time prepared the groundwork through history for the coming of Messiah can help each of us to see our own destiny and how to move forward in it. In our Yeshua's Narrow Way episode tonight we are presenting a panel discussion that takes us on a five century excursion through history that will illuminate how the God of history molded time and events through successive generations to eventually bring the Son of God into the world. As we examine the fingerprints of YHWH on history our faith is deepened in His awesome control in all things.


While this is part of our Yeshua's Narrow Way series, it also helps to lay the groundwork for upcoming episodes of Remnant RoundUp. At our last Tsiyon meeting, in our Remnant RoundUp segment, we were pleased to present a special presentation entitled Lord of Time. This was a special for our Tsiyon Members. We offered an eBook on Sir Isaac Newton that we had prepared in advance for any of our members who wanted more of what we had shared on Remnant RoundUp. All we asked is that those who attended the meeting send us an email with a little feedback and ask for the eBook. I want to take a minute to thank everyone who did that! Also, if you just haven't got around to it yet, you still can.


Below we have some examples of what some folks kindly sent in:

"...I was really surprised by all of the newly revealed info about Sir Isaac Newton as it was portrayed in this past meeting! I knew he was a staunch, influential believer, and the Father of modern science, but I had never heard even a peep about his prolific prowess in the field of Biblical prophecy. WOW!.."

Lord of TimeNewton

Here is more feedback from our recent Lord of Time presentation:

"Here is my feedback on tonight's program: I loved it! Definitely engaging and so fun and creative! I am 100% certain that my kids have not learned this about Sir Isaac Newton at school and I am hoping to share this material with them because his awe of the glory of God is palpable in the program; parts of it feel like a documentary and it's mind-blowing information.

I am excited and as Solomon said, I am sitting on the "edge of my rock" in eager anticipation to see this "code" unsealed before our very eyes. It is a surreal feeling that the time is now for this revelation that has been sealed up for so long to be opened up for our understanding and preparation. It fills me with trepidation too but mostly overwhelming gratitude to Yahweh for His love for us and His protection in guiding us through this end of times turbulent period...

...Also, I really love the imagery of the white horses. What a beautiful metaphor. It gives me the impression the horses are responding to a call that only they can hear: it is the time for them to break free and return to the land. This imagery must have had a big impact on me because not too long after the first remnant roundup program I had a dream that involved seeing a bunch of white horses! They were joining together in what seemed to be a shallow river or body of water; there was a rock formation and waterfall where they started to congregate. In the dream, I was in total awe looking at them and they were so close to me too! The only other thing I remember about the dream was that there was no sound at all. I could see them moving etc but everything was so quiet like a silent movie...

Anyway I had forgotten about that dream until I saw tonight's program and the horses running free. All of the graphics and the special effects are so well done. I currently do not have any questions, just a lot of eager anticipation that makes it hard to wait a month for the next remnant roundup. But I also like that there's time in between the programs to bring this all in prayer to Yahweh which seems to be a very important part of it. Thank you in advance for the e-book about Sir Isaac Newton. Thank you to all of you at Tsiyon!"

Here is one more:

"Tsiyon Remnant Family I am so excited to learn more, live more, walk out (halacha) this Torah code you presented. I (we all) have been waiting and praying for this last days assignment. Therefore, I am so grateful to be found worthy to be a part of my-&-our eschatological calling. [My eyes are tearing as I write this].

I literally flew around the world ... searching for more ... this like mind - like kind... Remnant oil! I (pray to be) am spiritually one of the 5 virgins with pure oil in my lamp. I feel though like I need to produce a lot more fruit for the Kingdom. Tsiyon Tabernacle has produced and stores much HALLELUYAH OMG this is it we are here. Here we go. Let's Go!

Before I forget I want to request a copy of the e-book Eliyahu mentioned. I will put it in my PDF reader and have it audio read to me the same day and many times into the future. Eliyahu how do you pronounce this time-space machine?"

These heartfelt examples of feedback for Lord of Time, and others we didn't have space to include, are a great encouragement to us here at Tsiyon. Thank you so much for these, and others that have come our way. I would also like to thank our whole Tsiyon Team for their excellent work on the project. More in the series are in the pipeline! (listen to the sound file of this newsletter for the pronunciation of our Bibli-Cal Chronometer)


As for tonight's live stream, catch it tonight, June 13, 2024, at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central, at our Tsiyon meeting. Feel free to invite your friends and relatives for tonight's informative and faith-building live discussion.


In His Name,





Announcing Judgment Day by Eliyahu ben David

Announcing Judgment Day

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"In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good courage!

 I have overcome the world." John 16:33



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