makes a person mighty in the Scriptures, and why you should care.


Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 19.25 - 04/21/6024 TAM - 06/27/2024 AD

Praiseworthy Women

From Eliyahu


While the Bible's most celebrated figures, such as Abraham, Moses, David, Messiah, and the Apostles, seem to be predominantly male, it's noticeable that women frequently make up the majority of faithful believers. This observation prompts a discussion worth having.

Before we dive into this, it's important to clarify that I usually distinguish between religion and spirituality, as they are not synonymous. However, for the purposes of this discussion, I will treat them as interchangeable due to the nature of the data available, which does not differentiate between the two. Consequently, data discussed will focus solely on religious behavior, assuming this indicates a corresponding spirituality as well.

One more clarification: the term 'Christian' in this context encompasses all individuals who recognize the Son of God as their Savior, including those from major denominations, Messianic groups, other outliers, and unaffiliated believers. The Pew Research Center has compiled a wealth of data on gender and religion, drawing from surveys conducted across 84 countries between 2008 and 2015. This analysis is confined to 'Christians' as defined above.


The data consistently show that Christian women exhibit higher levels of religious commitment than their male counterparts. The trend of women displaying a stronger religious inclination has been documented for decades, with evidence dating back to the 1930s. However, it wasn't until the 1980s that scholars began to actively seek explanations for this pattern. Despite over thirty years of research contributing to a vast pool of data and a nuanced understanding of the interplay between gender and religion, a clear-cut explanation for why women are generally more devout remains a mystery to the academic world. This phenomenon is still considered "a genuine scientific puzzle" by researchers.

The debate often returns to the classic dichotomy of nature versus nurture. Is there an inherent quality in women that predisposes them to religiosity, or is it a product of societal influences? It's likely a combination of both, but I believe that the intrinsic nature of women forms the foundation of this disparity. One compelling argument for this view is the persistence of the religious gender gap despite significant societal shifts and changes in gender roles.

love legendLOVE

Scripture seems to highlight loving deeds of the feminine kind toward the Lord as powerful examples of adoration and deep devotion. Even to His heart-breaking death on the cross women were there:

"Many women were there watching from afar, who had followed Yeshua from Galilee, serving him. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jacob and Yosi, and the mother of the sons of Zebedee." Matthew 27:55-56

Moreover, each of these many women had their own personal story of how they had served Him, and why they were there to the end - and beyond. These accounts point toward the loving nature of godly womanhood as a special kind of loving support.


As for academic theories rooted in "nature" - these attribute the religious gender gap to biological factors such as hormones, genetics, or innate predispositions.


For instance, Baylor University's sociologist Rodney Stark suggests that the typically higher testosterone levels in men may explain their lower religious involvement, linking it to a greater inclination for risk-taking. Similarly, sociologists Hoffman and the late Alan S. Miller proposed that men's innate risk-taking tendencies might lead them to be less concerned about potential consequences in the afterlife, thus resulting in lower religiosity.


University of Texas researchers Matt Bradshaw and Christopher G. Ellison have pointed to genetic factors, estimating that these account for about one-third of the variation in personal religious devotion. (Don't ask me how they could possibly know that.) Additionally, Jeremy Freese of Northwestern University and James D. Montgomery of the University of Wisconsin have called for further exploration into how psychological gender differences impact religiosity, particularly how traits typically associated with femininity and masculinity might play a role.


From my perspective, the answer is to be found in the pages of Scripture. As Scripture indicates, the divine design of women as 'helpers' endows them with a broad spectrum of skills to bring to the service of the Lord, along with a nurturing disposition. Women are often the primary source of love and care within the family, and while some men are driven by ambition and ego, more women tend to be more directly motivated by love. This isn't to say that this is how it should be, or that godly men fail at this, but rather, it's a reflection of the observable trend where more women are more likely to place their trust in and seek after God than men. (Gen 2:18, 1 John 4:7)


Considering that "God is love," it's not surprising that women are often more responsive to the divine call. I believe it's His love that speaks to the love in them, and draws them. This difference between the genders is not always true, but seems to be true often enough for women to maintain their majority status among believers over time. Speaking for our Tsiyon Ministry, as with Yeshua, women are an indispensible source of devoted prayer, financial, and volunteer support for this mission. The vital role that women play in moving this mission forward deserves recognition and praise. Thank you ladies for all you do! 


That's my take on the matter. What are your thoughts?


Tonight our Messiah's Praiseworthy Women panel will bring home a stirring conclusion to the topic Throwing Down Idolatry and Overcoming the Daughter of Jezebel. That sounds like a barn-burner to me. All are invited. Join in this live panel discussion, tonight, June 27, 2024, at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central. This involves an amazing section of Scripture for the ladies, showing the stunning contrast between examples of the best and worst women in Scripture. Don't miss it.


In His Name,





Holy Order Restored by Eliyahu ben David

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"In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good courage!

 I have overcome the world." John 16:33



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