makes a person mighty in the Scriptures, and why you should care.


Tsiyon Messianic Radio Newsletter  - Vol 19.28 - 05/14/6024 TAM - 07/20/2024 AD

What's going on in America?

From Eliyahu


In my last Tsiyon News I wrote:

"..The exposure of the failed cognitive condition of Joe Biden has revealed that the American people have been lied to for months, if not years, in an unprecedented cover-up of the truth regarding the true nature of the American government. It is now obvious that some other invisible power structure has been running America. For how long? Who are these unelected overlords? What is their true agenda? What have they done to America? It now should be self-evident to all that a soft coup has replaced government of-by-and-for the people that is the very definition of America-as-founded. Whatever this country is right now, it is not America. America has fallen. We don't even know for sure who exactly is running the country, or how they are doing it."

All of that is still true, mind you. Nevertheless, It is amazing how much an already complex situation can change even more in one week.


You know what I'm talking about. Everyone knows because everyone is talking about it. Of course I am writing about the failed assassination of Donald Trump, the wounding of two bystanders (we wish them a speedy recovery), and the senseless murder of a hero in the crowd who shielded his family with his own body, and in so doing gave his life for his loved ones. Surely, Corey Comperatore is a sterling example of the protective role a courageous husband and father can provide in the face of evil. Its inspiring to know that men like him are still out there, as examples to us all. It is not surprising that statements from Corey's family highlight what a good man he was and the faith in God he shared with his family. Scripture says: "The day of death is better than the day of one’s birth." This is especially true of men like Mr. Comperatore, who shine forth their faith, love and courage in laying down their lives for others. (Ecclesiastes 7:1)

Donald Trump. He and his family are openly giving God the glory for saving his life. It is an amazing story, and I trust you've already heard it, either from the endless news reports or from President Trump's own lips televised from the recent RNC. The assassin had an easy shot - much too easy. As Donald Trump said himself; "I should be dead." Yet he isn't. Knowing nothing of the bullet whizzing toward a perfect headshot that would have surely ended his life, he turned his head to the right, at just the right millisecond, just enough, for the bullet to pierce only his ear, leaving it bleeding, but saving his life by millimeters.  


God is in this. What does it mean?

Trump with bullet whizzing bytrump bullet in air

This puts me in mind of something Daniel said when praising Elohim:

"Blessed be the name of Elohim forever and ever; for wisdom and might are his. He changes the times and the seasons; he removes kings, and sets up kings; he gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who have understanding; he reveals the deep and secret things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him." (Daniel 2:20-22)

Imagine what may have happened had President Trump not turned his head in that second. Would America be in the grips of a devastating civil war right now? Would America be under marshal law? Would the entire economy have collapsed, while social unrest rocked the nation? Thankfully, we will never know the answers to those questions because the Sovereign Lord DOES know, and He decided against it!


I often hear people say that "God is in control." I certainly believe that myself and have seen proof of that many times. However, it is a special moment when the Lord of Heaven overrules the wickedness of men, in such a way that EVERYONE can see Him do it. He alone is Sovereign, and none can stop Him from doing what He will according to His own good pleasure. It is a great comfort to see Him act.


These are not ordinary events going on right now, and they aren't easy to sort out. No doubt Remnant people are wondering how these events and the changes to follow them fit into the prophetic picture. Its still early, but I have some things to share that may help to make more sense out of all of this. That's why I'm pushing our entire meeting schedule for the month forward one week to squeeze in a timely Tsiyon message for our next meeting, tonight. 


Tonight's theme is: What's Going On In America? ..And What Does It Mean?


Tune in tonight for our live stream, and feel free to invite others as well. That's tonight, July 20, 2024, at Tsiyon.Net at 8 PM, Central. And remember: YHWH is in control, and all of His Word is true.





Holy Order Restored by Eliyahu ben David

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"In the world you shall have tribulation; but be of good courage!

 I have overcome the world." John 16:33



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